With it being so late I knew I couldn't call Tiny until the morning. She was probably long asleep.
I knew someone who was awake but I'd rather spend the night alone than to show up at her house pretending our argument never happened.

So instead I ended up at a bar. Which probably wasn't the best idea because now I was way past my limit on liquor and doing karaoke with two random women that I just met.

"You can really s-sing girl!" A light-skin woman said who I just learned name was Monica.

"So c-can you! We should start a group!" I slurred as I wrapped my arms around her.

I was so drunk it was like I knew these girls my entire life. They were fun which was exactly what I needed.

"I'm going to get us another round!" The other woman said. I couldn't remember her name but she had a fat ass so I was calling her big booty Judy in my head.

"Alright! Shit—let me get off of you!" I laughed as I realized I was still hanging onto Monica.

"Your good girl! What brings you out tonight? You're dressed all nice and stuff.."

"I'm a writer and I won a big big big a-award tonight!" I answered.

"Oh my God—I knew I recognized you. I think Toya and I read your b-book! Toya!" She said as she waved her over.

"What? B-Bitch stop yelling my name! I told that creep my name was Kayla, you're going to blow my cover!" She laughed as she sat the shots onto the table causing us all to laugh.

"My bad girl but this is Kandi! Remember we read her nasty ass book.."

"Oh my—" I groaned holding my face in my hands as I started to feel embarrassed.

"Ohhhh—that's how I know I'm drunk because how didn't I recognize you! We love your books!" Toya said.

"Yesss we've read pretty much all of them! You're an amazing writer!"

"Thank you but please stop because I have too much liquor in my system to not c-cry." I admitted while fighting the tears that were threatening to stream down my face.

I probably would've cried sober too but that wasn't their business. They ended laughing it off before we took the shots Toya got for us.

"Whew—I didn't even taste that one.." Monica mumbled as we both agreed.

We kept dancing and talking about random things before the topic of my books came up again. "Do you still talk to anyone from the book?" Toya asked.

"Kind of well right now I'm m-mad at her but it's whatever.." I explained.

"Omg? Her is it chapter 1?" Monica inquired and I shyly smiled before nodding.

"Oh—I could never be mad at her.." Toya laughed and I let it slide because I wasn't in a position to be jealous.

She wasn't mine and before I had any liquor in my system I had no thoughts of taking the steps to make her mine. However, now that I was past my normal alcohol limit and my book was in the conversation I couldn't help but want her.

I was deep into a fantasy. She was behind me holding my waist as we danced together. She was whispering in my ear all the nasty things she would do to me the minute we were alone.

I wanted nothing more than to turn in her arms and drag her out of the bar but as I turned she wasn't there. Yeah, that's enough liquor for me tonight.

"Honestly, I'm not even mad anymore. I just wanna fuck all of the anger away." I whined as I sat back down.

They followed suite and joined me back at our table. "Then call her.." Monica suggested.

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