Bonus : The forgotten Draft

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Hey folks!

Surprise, surprise! This isn't the next chapter, but something equally exciting.

I stumbled upon an old draft buried deep in my notes-a relic from the early days of crafting "The Fake Fiancé." It's like finding buried treasure, you know?

Reading it gave me chills, and I couldn't believe I was the one who penned those words. The characters' emotions hit me like a tidal wave.

When I started "The Fake Fiancé," I had a basic plot in mind, but the finer details evolved as I went along.

The draft you're about to dive into might show a different side of our protagonists, but it holds the essence of the story.

I wish I could swap it with the previous chapters, but that ship has sailed.

Nevertheless, I wanted you all to experience this journey, so here it is.


"Do I disgust you that much, or do you think I'm a pervert?" He asks with a scrunched-up face. His anger is evident in his eyes, though he tries to pretend to be calm. He looks like, with one wrong word, all his emotions would come crashing down. And unfortunately, I want to break this facade and bask in the real, unfiltered him.

So I say, "Am I supposed to feel like that?" My tone is playful, like I'm enjoying provoking him. I could see his composure crack. Unlike what I expected, all I could see was sadness.

No. This is not what I want. What the hell is he sad about?

"Jamie, I think you misunderstood something. I was just teasing you. I didn't mean to make you...sad", I say, unsure of how to respond.

"You don't know, or you think I haven't noticed?" he says, and I could see the anger dominating his eyes again.

"I have no idea. What are you talking about?" Though I'm irresistibly attracted to him, Jamie is just my friend. Nothing else. He helped me out of a bad situation. But why do I feel pain in my heart when he's angry at me? Why do I feel like I would do anything to erase this anger from his face? Why do I feel like I'm worthless?

"You act all good with Alex. You don't hesitate, even for a second. You don't have a second thought about touching him. You don't care about hugging him, but you can't stand even holding my hand for five seconds. What on earth did I do for you to feel disgusted by me?" he shouts in that dominant tone of his.

My head hurts. My eyes sting from the tears I'm holding back.

"I'm not-"

He cuts me off in the middle and bellows, "You may feel disgusted by me, Lillian. But remember. I'm your fucking fiancé. Not him".

Everything tunes out. The chatter of people, the honking of vehicles, and the football match playing on television. Everything becomes just pure white noise.

Suddenly, the thunder of a voice booms in my head. It yanks me out of my shock and pulls me to the present moment.

"You understand?" His voice is loud and clear, like a punch to the gut.

"No," I say, my voice raspy. I can't let this happen. I can't let him treat me like that. "You are wrong. I'm just pretending to be your fiancé. I'm not your fiance, and I will never be."

I turn around and walk away from him. I halt after a few steps. I could feel his gaze on my back. I could feel the shift in the air. The sadness when a heart is broken. I'm not sure if it's his or mine.

Without turning around or facing him, I say, "You were right about one thing. I don't mind it with him. That's because I don't care when it's him."

Yes, I'm a pervert. but only when it comes to you.

With that, I walk out of the room with a heart broken in a million places.


I regret misplacing this gem in the writing process.

Even though it doesn't align with the current plot or Jamie's character development, I cherish it for the emotional whirlwind it brings. I'm confident you'll resonate with it too.

The upcoming chapters promise a surge of intense emotions, and I hope you stick around to experience them.

Thanks a ton for your unwavering support. You guys truly brighten up my life.

Much love, your devoted author.

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