Curious, Tree turned her attention to me, "Okay, what were you thinking?"

With a spark of an idea, I explained, "What if he goes in the VIP tent with my dad? Not too much exposure, but enough for people to know."

Travis seemed to agree, adding his support, "I think that is a good idea."

Tree mulled it over, offering her opinion, "I don't think it's a bad idea. Do what you think is best." Her approval echoed, signifying the go-ahead for the plan to showcase Travis in a more public setting during the event.

Arriving at the venue for the second night, subtle changes caught my eye, like sections of the backstage area being cordoned off due to the aftermath of flooding.

"How bad was it?" I inquired, walking down the hallway with Tree towards my dressing room.

"Completely flooded out, had to pump it all out," Tree explained as we entered the dressing room. "I'll leave you to get ready. You need to be on the stage in 20 for sound check, then openers are on in about 2 hours," she added before departing, throwing a playful warning over her shoulder, "Behave!"

Chuckling as she walked away, I glanced at Travis. "What if we didn't?" he questioned, closing the door behind her exit.

"She would kill you, and I can guarantee she can cover up a murder," I teased before leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips. The playful banter and the sense of calmness between us created a light, intimate moment before the upcoming performance.

I strolled toward the stage, leading Travis to his designated spot to watch the soundchecks. While I made my way, I began warming up my voice, humming melodies and testing different vocal ranges. The crew was busy testing lights and evaluating the storm's impact on the equipment, some technicians tuning guitars and pianos.

My vocal captain handed me a microphone, readying for the soundcheck routine. "Let's do Archer and Bad Blood," she suggested.

"Sounds good. I've got an idea, but I can't really try it out now," I replied, glancing over at Travis, who was engrossed in his phone by the barrier.

"What's the idea?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"What if I changed 'guy' on the screen to 'Chiefs'?" I proposed, a sense of excitement lighting up my expression.

"Go ahead, it's your music. I'd suggest testing it now, but I'm guessing it's meant to be some kind of surprise?" she deduced, intrigued by my plan.

"Yeah," I confirmed with a playful look, silently conveying the need for secrecy.

"Alright, cool. Let me gather the band, and we'll run through Archer and Bad Blood," she agreed, moving to get the band organized for the rehearsal.

The final echoes of sound check lingered in the air as I settled down to apply my makeup, the familiar routine before a show. Travis's voice cut through the backstage hum, his tone relaxed and inquisitive.

"Sound check went well then," he observed, his eyes fixed on me as I delicately blended my eyeshadow.

"Yeah, it did," I responded, a wide smile spreading across my face. I felt a warmth, a sort of reassurance, having him here with me. "I love you being here," I admitted, turning to meet his gaze.

His eyes softened with affection, a warm glow emanating from his expression. "I love being able to be here," he confessed, and I could feel my cheeks warming up, a blush creeping in. His presence always had this effect on me, this lovely blend of comfort and excitement that I couldn't help but cherish.

The ambiance backstage was electric with the hum of excitement and the low murmurs of the crew members preparing for the show. Travis stood by my side, the faint glow of the backstage lights casting a warm aura around us. As the distant sound of the final opener's performance filled the air, the realization hit that it was almost my turn to step into the spotlight.

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