Chapter 2- I Go Crazy

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"Hey you," Adam said as he approached his dark-haired girlfriend, they had been dating for almost two years now. He reached out his arm to place over her shoulder when Jackie pulled away with a cold gaze.

"Who were you talking to?" she asked looking in Y/n's direction.

"She's just someone I have a project with-"

"Oh," Jackie let out raising her eyebrows, "okay," she said nonchalantly.

"What's wrong?" Adam said as he tried his best to keep up with the conversation.

"Nothing," Jack lied as she looked at the curly-haired boy. "I mean you were talking to another girl," Jackie said crossed, Adam slacked his arm around his moody girlfriend.

"She's a classmate, Jackie," Adam felt the need to defend himself.

It wasn't abnormal for Jackie to be upset, she was known for being a tad bit overdramatic. Adam would understand her defensive behaviour but sometimes it was a bit unnecessary. She could be over controlling and it could lead to embarrassment for the young couple. But at the end of the day, she was Adam's girlfriend. At the end of the day, Adam still cared for her but he didn't know when to let go.

"It doesn't matter," Jackie said taking his hand, "I have to pick up my project from Bio and Chem, coming on," She asked as she tugged on her boyfriend's hand.

"Um, y-ya sure," Adam said confused as he followed.

'What's was that all about?'


Adam was in a completely awful mood when he got home, he slumped to the kitchen to eat something when all of a sudden-

"What's wrong Schmoo?" His mother asked, "Are you coming down with something? Let momma take your temperature," Beverly said as she rushed to her baby's side.

"Mom stop- I'm not sick," Adam said annoyed as he opened the fridge door.

"What's the matter? I always know when one of my little chickens is upset," Beverly let out proudly.

"I don't wanna talk about it Mom," Adam said as he closed the fridge door. "Forget it, I've got homework," he announced as grabbed his backpack and walked to his room.

Adam sprinted to his room and closed the door behind him. 'Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I getting moody?' He thought to himself, 'And why is Jackie moody!?'

Adam thought he needed some time to himself to just think so he laid on his bed with this walkman and placed his pillow over his eyes and just listened to his music. He couldn't get his mind over Jackie. Why was she being so-

"Ugh!" Adam grunted from under his pillow.

'I'm not going anywhere with this,' Adam thought to himself, he knew he had to talk to someone about this.

Erica heard a knock on her bedroom door, she opened it to find Adam. "What do you want?" She asked rather aggressively.

"I need some girl advice," Adam asked in a low voice.

Erica looked at her littlest brother's sad face and took it that he wasn't joking. "Come on in," she said as she opened the door. "What happened?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

Adam sat on her bed depressed, "it's Jackie, she's been acting weird."

"What do you mean 'weird'?" Erica asked as she sat on her bed next to Adam.

"Well she's been rude lately- today I was talking to some girl about a school project and she got offended," Adam explained.

"Well maybe she was just a little jealous to see you talking to another girl," Erica suggested.

"Be she's been like this for a while now," Adam said as he looked at his sister. "We go wherever she wants to go or do what she wants to do... I dunno," Adam said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay to be upset Adam," Eric explained. "You just have to talk to her about this and sort it out together, I'm sure she'll be understanding towards your feelings," she said softly.

"Okay," Adam said nodding though he still looked uncertain. He knew Jackie well enough to know that she was not someone that you could talk to about his feelings, and that sucks when you're in a relationship.

"Is there something else that's bothering you?" She asked.

"No," Adam said with a weak smile, "that was it... Thanks," he stood up and headed for the door. "See you later."

"Ya see ya," Erica said frowning.

Adam walked back to his room and slumped onto his bed. 'Maybe I'm the one overreacting,' Adam thought to himself. 'Maybe I'm the one who's thinking way too much into this- I don't need to talk with Jackie... Do I?'

He knew if he talked to Jackie about it she wouldn't be understanding, she had a bit of a hard head. "If I bring it up she'll get upset, or angry," Adam whispered to himself.

'She wasn't always like this- well she was and she wasn't,' Adam thought to himself. 'She could get very confident and that confidence could turn into bossiness.'

He soon sat up and opened his backpack, he still had a lot of last-minute assignments that he needed to work on before the break.

'Maybe this will get my mind off of Jackie,' Adam thought to himself. He did his homework for a little while but his mind was racing around like crazy.

He then opened his math textbook to find the assignment that he had to do with Y/n, just then a small smile spread onto his face. Adam paused for a moment.

Adam knew Y/n for a while but felt kinda bad for not getting to know her better. 'Isn't she dating that tool, Johnathan?' Adam thought in aggravation

'I wonder what she's doing right now.' He thought to himself.

Adam Goldberg x Reader- Last ChristmasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon