Chapter 1- Alone

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It was 1980 something and Y/n started her day like she always did for the past three years. She got up, showered, ate some breakfast then walked down two blocks to catch the school bus. It was always a quiet morning, Y/n was always the first one up in her busy home. She wore a warm knitted sweater and a pair of heavy blue jeans to shield her from the cold. Christmas break was only a week away and Y/n couldn't wait to sleep her break in. There was a thin layer of snow on the floor and you could feel a chill enter your body as soon as you stepped outside.

After a noisy bus ride, Y/n got to school safe and sound making it to class. She sat next to her friend Maggie who was applying a glossy layer of lipstick.

"Morning," Y/n said groggily as she plopped down at her wooden desk.

"Good morning," Maggie replied not taking her eyes off of her make compact. "Ugh I'm so done with school," she exclaimed as she began to yawn. "Like why does it start so early? I'm so freakin' sleepy."

"It's okay you'll wake up for English next period," Y/n said with a grin. Y/n was referring to Maggie's jock boyfriend, Darren. He wasn't the smartest guy in school but he was head over heels with Maggie and Maggie was crazy for him.

"Ya," Maggie gushed, "I can't wait to go to the Winter Wonderland with him."

"Winter Wonderland?" Y/n asked as she pulled out her textbook.

"Ya the Winter Wonderland it's a dance- how do you not know this?" Maggie asked in disbelief, leaving Y/n to simply shrug.

"You should ask a guy that way we could double date!" Maggie said with sparkling eyes.

"I dunno, I don't feel much like dancing-"

"Good Morning class!" Their teacher announced, "Before the holidays begin we have a project due!" The classroom groaned. "Enough of that now you'll have a partner and you will have to create a standard situational problem," he said as he started handing out the assignment.

"The dance is this Friday," Maggie mouthed out. Y/n had been to a couple of dances in her but she had never gone with a guy-

"Alright the groups will be; Tommy, Laura and Stefanie, Dan and Lisa," Y/n waited in anticipation until her name was finally called, "and last will be Y/n and Adam."

Y/n looked around to see her familiar classmate, Adam Goldberg. He looked at her with a smirk and to that she gave him an awkward smile in return.

She thought he was a nerdy kinda of cute but he was with Jackie and she respected that, even though she wasn't too crazy for Jackie. "You'll have very little time to work on this in class but you'll have all winter break to complete this assessment," the teacher declared.

Maggie gave Y/n a face. "What?" Y/n said looking back at her.

"You're with a boy," she teased lovingly.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "oh stop- he's dating someone," Y/n said.

"Steal him!" Carrie joked as she turned her head to look at the curly-haired boy. "He's kinda cute," she announced while checking him out.

"I guess," Y/n said not giving it much thought. He had curly golden hair and a genuine smile. Y/n looked back at him once more. She liked how nerdy he was, like how he'd show up to school with a Tron, Karate Kid or Back to the Future t-shirt. Y/n loved those movies but kept them all to herself.

It felt like a lifetime for the day to be over once it came Y/n was relieved. She walked over to her locker to pack up for the day when she saw a broad figure walking down the halls.


Y/n quickly packed up her belongings and hid them on the corner of the wall so that Johnathan could pass her without seeing her. She sighed in relief, Y/n stayed there for a little while until she heard someone call her name-

"Y/n?" Adam said looking at her with his snow jacket and backpack on.

"Oh- hi, Adam," Y/n said she turned around and was relieved that it was him.

"I was thinking, since we don't have much time to work on the situational I was wondering if you'd like to start working on it so we don't have to work during the break," he suggested.

"Um ya sure," Y/n said slightly enthused that Adam was talking to her.

"Okay, we'll make a day then, see ya," Adam said as he smiled at her.

"Bye," Y/n said softly. It was a quick and pointless conversation but she felt calmer, considering Johnathan's presence. She blushed as she began to walk over to the school doors. 'Adam's real sweet,' Y/n thought to herself she turned back in the hope of seeing Adam simply walking away but instead she saw him with his arms wrapped around his beautiful girlfriend, Jackie.

"Oh...right," Y/n signed.


On the way home Y/n couldn't help but think about Adam. 'He seems like a nice guy... he's probably a nice boyfriend too,' she thought helplessly. 'Why am I saying this? He's in a relationship! I could never-' Y/n shook off the feeling that she had and walked out of the bus.

Her days were the same old boring routine; she'd get home, finish up some homework while talking to Maggie on the phone, eat her supper with her parents and her sisters, Then watch a movie before getting dressed for bed.

'I never have any real fun,' Y/n thought to herself. 'Maybe I should go to the Winter Wonderland Dance...who knows? It could be fun!'

Y/n smiled at the thought of Adam asking her to start their project if she was being honest she was looking forward to it. 'What am I thinking? I've never thought of this boy a day in my life and now I'm just gushing over him?!' Y/n shook her head with a small giggle, "Girl you're weak!"

Y/n looked over to see her math textbook resting on her desk.

'I wonder what he's doing right now.' She thought to herself.

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