Chapter 5- Faithfully

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"What do you mean that you're going to his house again?!" Maggie yelled from over the phone.

"It's just for school work," Y/n defended herself as she lay on her bed, "Mag's he's got a girlfriend!"

"I dunno," her friend said from the other line on the phone, "sounds like he's trying to be more than just friends."

Y/n stayed silent as she fiddled with the phone cord. "Listen, I don't know Jackie but I still wouldn't do that to another girl," she defended herself.

"I trust you Y/n," Maggie said wholeheartedly, "but at the end of the day Adam's a boy, and boys are stupid." Y/n understood her friend's point and took it as a form of caution.

She agreed to meet Adam at his house in the afternoon. Adam must have checked his watch a hundred times hoping that time would move faster, if he was being honest he enjoyed the time they spent together.

They would work but also talk about who would be a better Jedi, which is the best Stephen King novel and how cool it would be to be trained by Mr. Miyagi. Adam found himself looking at his watch again. 'What am I thinking?!' Adam thought to himself. 'Why am I thinking about Y/n so much?! I mean she's cool n' all and pretty- WHAT AM I SAYING I HAVE JACKIE!' Adam took off his glasses and rubbed his weary eyes.

"Maybe I just need a shower," Adam mumbled. It was a cold day so a nice warm shower is just what he needed. Once he got into the shower his heart began to race even more. 'What am I worried about? After today the project will be done I won't have to see her outside of school again,' Adam thought to himself under the boiling water. He soon finished, wrapping a towel around his waist he walked over to his room. The nerdy boy took his glasses in his hands and gave a soft smile. He thought about how Y/n told him how she liked his glasses. He began to dress when he heard a knock at the door, Adam quickly got dressed and ran down the staircase. "Right on time," he chuckled to himself.


Adam opened the door for Y/n leaving with a soft blush. She couldn't help but smile at the curly-haired boy who was fixing his t-shirt and his damp hair.

"Hi," Y/n whispered as she walked into the welcoming home.

"Hi," Adam said lightly as he smiled at the kind girl. He liked the way she dressed and thought she always looked beautiful every time he saw her. Just then Adam's eyes widened at the fact that he and Y/n were completely home alone. Erica and Barry would be at a friend's house, his dad would be working and his mom was at her denim designing classes (...don't ask.) Y/n and Adam stood there for a while, "do you want to get started?" Adam asked as he gestured to the living room, "we have the house to ourselves," he felt the need to say.

"Sure," Y/n said quietly not knowing what else to say.

They began to work where they had left off. Y/n was doing one part of the assignment while Adam was doing another, she could tell that Adam was having a hard time with the assignment.

"Here," Y/n whispered as she leaned over him, "hand me your eraser, I'll help."

Adam got a wif of Y/n perfume as she leaned in closer. Not saying a word he turned the paper over to her for help. Y/n began to explain the problem when she realized how close she was to Adam, just then she looked up at him to see how close they were.

"Do you," Y/n whispered slowly backing away, "understand?"

"I'm starting to," Adam whispered wanting nothing more than to kiss her, just then ever so carefully he began to lean in.

Y/n couldn't help but ask a question that had been burning in her brain. "Adam," she broke him out of his train of thought, "do you love Jackie?"

Adam felt like he had been kicked in the face with Y/n's words. How could he forget about his girlfriend, especially when he was alone with another girl?! Adam felt in his heart that being with Jackie was like talking to a wall. There was nothing else he could think of than to lie.

"We broke up," He couldn't help but say.

This made Y/n's heart light while leaving Adam's to be heavier than ever.

"What about you and Johnathan," Adam asked hoping Y/n wasn't into him. "I think he kinda likes you."

"Johnathan is a glutton," Y/n let out, "he thinks he can have any girl he wants and that they'll go out with him because he's six-foot-something."

"So you don't like him?" Adam said relieved.

Y/n wanted to tell Adam the truth. How Johnathan had been stalking Y/n at school and how he would find any little excuse to touch her, which made her uneasy. She wanted to tell him that she had been trying to get away from him ever since the start of the school year but just didn't know how to say it.

"He's not my type," Y/n shook her head, "I'm into nerds," she said without thinking. Just then Y/n's eyes widened at her words. Before Adam could say another word Y/n jumped at the opportunity to change the conversation, "eh how about some music?" she asked.

"Ya, sure," Adam said getting the hint that she didn't mean to let that slip. He walked over to the boombox and placed one of Erica's tapes in. Just then Faithfully started playing.

"Ugh, not Journey," Adam whined in a joking way he lifted his hand to change the song when all of a sudden Y/n stopped him.

"Wait!" she said with a smile spread across her warm face, "I love this song!" Y/n giggled like a child, and Adam enjoyed seeing her happy.

"Ya?" Adam said with a crooked grin. While Y/n continued to work on the project Adam had an idea.

He got up from the coffee table in the living room, sprinted to the kitchen took the wooden spoon and ran back to the living room where Y/n stood completely confused.

Adam then began to mouth the words of the song, this made Y/n laugh uncontrollably.
At that moment Y/n fell harder for him, and knowing that Jackie was out of the picture made her want him even more. When the course of the song kicked in Y/n grabbed the remote from the TV and joined in with Adam. By now the volume was at its max and they were both running around the house 'singing' to one another.

It went from trying to make the other person laugh to something else. They were singing to each other hoping they would understand.

Adam and Y/n were now too close, they were looking into the eyes of each other eyes while singing the song.

The song had ended leaving Adam looking deeply into Y/n's big eyes that were staring up at him in awe. Y/n's eyes began to close, as if she was ready to kiss him, ever so slowly she began to lean in.

Adam's heart froze, he couldn't kiss Y/n, not while he was still dating Jackie. "Well," he said breaking off the tension. "I guess I'll see you around?" he asked in a cowardly voice.

Y/n's face went from adoration to complete confusion. "Ya," was all that she could manage to say. "Ya, I'll see you around."

"I'll get your books," Adam announced as he walked to the living room leaving Y/n confused. Grabbing her coat Y/n couldn't help but feel perplexed. "Here," Adam returned with her backpack.

"Thanks," Y/n muttered as she took her bag.

Adam opened the door for her with an apologetic smile, "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" he said kindly which made Y/n feel more understanding.


Once Y/n got home she dropped her school bag on her bedroom floor, got dressed in her pyjamas and buried herself under the covers of her bed. She wanted nothing more than to melt away, how could she be so stupid? She was about to kiss a guy who had just broken up with his girlfriend. Who does that? Even though they have broken up she felt like such a homewrecker. Emerging from her Cocoon of covers Y/n looked through her bag for her Walkman, only to find a yellow paper sticking out of her textbook. It was a piece of paper she wasn't familiar with. She opened up her textbook and took out the yellow slip only to read that there was a note written inside, from Adam.

Come to the Winter Wonderland Dance with me, Adam

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