Chapter 7- Tougher Than The Rest

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The Dance started at 8:00 pm, once Y/n got there she saw her best friend dancing away with her jock boyfriend. Y/n found herself fidgeting with her dress, she felt so silly now. Her best friend was dancing with her boyfriend along with everyone else, and there Y/n was a regular wallflower. She assumed that Adam would be there. Had she read the note wrong? What if he got back together with Jackie?

Just then a voice whispered from over her shoulder, "Are you waiting for me to ask you to dance?" Y/n spun around to see Johnathan peering over her.

"Johnathan!" Y/n said in fear, she didn't enjoy him being this close. He then took out his big hands and grabbed Y/n's.

"Come on, one dance, you've been flirting with me all year- don't fight it," he said as he pressed himself up to Y/n. Y/n yanked her arm away from the hefty man.

"Leave me alone!" she said as she shoved him off her.

Y/n then ran through the crowd of people to the gym's back doors outside. There she was again alone, nothing but the cold air surrounding her. Y/n suddenly felt nervous all she could do for herself was slowly breathe.

'This was a bad idea,' she thought to herself.

Just then the gym doors swung open only to reveal Adam in a black suit. "Adam- what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"What happened? I saw you run out of the gym," he struggled to say. He walked up to her and tried his best to speak when he noticed Y/n in a state of panic like the day he found her hiding from Johnathan. "Y/n what's wrong?"

Just then Johnathan came barging through the gym doors, "Y/n, come on let's talk!" Y/n moved behind Adam as she squeezed his arm in fear. Once Johnathan saw Y/n standing with Adam his eyes burned like a mad man.

"The hell do you think you're doing?!" The jock said trying to sound intimating.

"Go away Johnathan," Y/n murmured in fear. She couldn't fight him she wasn't strong enough to stand up to him, and by the looks of it neither could Adam. It didn't take much to see that Adam was a lot smaller than Johnathan.

The jock slowly walked up towards them which made Y/n hold on to Adam even tighter.

Adam paused for a moment as he stood his ground, trying to think of his next move. "You heard her- go!" Adam said trying to be scrappy.

Just then Johnathan raised his fist as if he was about to punch Adam, causing both Adam and Y/n to flinch. "Wow," the brainless joke laughed as he playfully slapped Adam's face, "all jokes man, don't take it so seriously." Johnathan chuckled, "But seriously, give me my brat back and get lost," the tall man said getting close once again. "She'd rather want a real man than some dweeb," Johnathan reached out his hand to grab Y/n's arm.

A pump of adrenaline busted through Adam's veins, he pulled back his arm and swung his fist across Johnathan's jaw leaving the jock to see stars.

"You," Johnthan said regaining his vision.

"Oh balls," Adam couldn't help but say as he held Y/n closer to his back for safety.

Johnanath started to charge at Adam as though he was about to rip him apart, "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHI-"

Just then a voice called out to the fridge boy

"JONATHAN!" Coach Mellor shouted as he saw the outdoor brawl. "Three strikes you out! This is your third fight this year!" He yelled out. "Leave Goldberg alone!" And with that Johnathan loosened his powerful fist

The gym teacher made his way to the fight, "are you guys okay?" Coach Mellor asked Y/n and Adam, and they both nodded in agreement. "Johnathan won't be here for a long time, isn't that right?" And with that Coach, Mellor 'escorted' Johnathan away from Y/n personally.

Y/n and Adam sat side by side on the curb just outside the gym doors. They could hear the music booming yet they both sat in silence. "Adam I'm so sorry-" Y/n was about to go on when Adam placed his jacket over her cold shoulders.

"It wasn't your fault," he said turning to her, "I'm just- glad you're okay." Y/n gave Adam a sweet smile. "I was out here before hoping I could build up the courage to tell you that you look beautiful," Adam finally spat out.

"You look nice too," Y/n tried her best to flirt back. She knew she couldn't look Adam in the eyes or she would simply melt.

"Care to dance?" Adam asked sticking out his hand, Y/n smiled as she took it into her own. They both stood up together outside, surrounded by snow. "Let's go inside,"

By luck would have it, once they entered the gym a slow song began to play. "Tougher than the rest," Y/n said as she listened to the song, "go figure."

"And why is that?" Adam asked with a chuckle.

"You just slugged Johnathan across the face, Adam," Y/n pointed out, "you're tougher than the rest!" she giggled. Adam chuckled as he and Y/n walked right in the center of the dance floor, he then turned around to see her looking beautiful under the soft lights of the disco ball. Y/n took Adam's hands and placed them at her waist. She then softly brought herself closer to him and placed her hands around the back of his neck

At that moment Y/n and Adam felt like they belonged together, that they were the only two people in the gym, that they were the only two people in the world. But it still wasn't perfect just yet;

"Can I kiss you?" Adam whispered to Y/n, and her face became completely warm. She didn't say a word. She was about his height so she wouldn't have to tiptoe. Instead, she pursed her lips and slowly grabbed the back of his hair. Adam slowly placed his lips onto Y/n's and kissed her. There they stood frozen in time, hoping that this night would never end.

Adam felt a pressure that he needed to get off his chest, "Y/n," he said as he looked down at the girl he wanted nothing more than to be with, "I need to tell you something."

"Is something wrong?" Y/n said in a soothing voice.

"Y/n, I lied," Adam whispered as he looked down at her, "I'm sorry."

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