Chapter 4- Waiting For a Girl Like You

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The bus ride was completely silent soon they made their way at the front of Adam's house. "Listen Y/n there's something I gotta warn you about before we go inside," he said at the front of the door. Y/n stood in since as she waited for Adam to explain himself. Million thoughts were running inside Y/n's mind but nothing could prepare her for what he was about to say. "My- family can be a bit much sometimes," he finally spat out. "Especially my mother she can be very... Smothering so just- well I'm sorry in advance-"

"It's okay- it's not like we're getting married," Y/n teased. "I'm sure she not that bad."

Adam gave Y/n an amused face, "okay but don't say I didn't warn you!" Adam opened the door to see his mother waiting for him

"There he is!" She said as she pulled him in for a big hug, "there's my little man-" just then Beverly saw Y/n at the door.

"Hello," Y/n said in a polite voice.

"Who is young lady Schmoo? Did you break up with Jackie? I never liked her she was too bossy anyways, this one much prettier," Beverly rambled on as she inspected Y/n who was still standing near the door.

"Mom she here for a project," Adam said embarrassingly.

"And by 'project' do you mean 'make-out sessions?'" Beverly asked worryingly as she held her chest as if she was about to have a heart attack.

"No!" Adam shrieked, "she's just a friend who's here to do some school work!" You could tell in the tone of his voice that he wanted this discussion to be over, "we're gonna work in the living room alright."

"Alright fine by me," Beverly said slightly backing away, "just know that I have eyes in the back of my head," she announced as she gestured to her big hair. Y/n gave out a small laugh.

Adam waited for his mother to leave the room before saying anything. "You see what I mean?" Adam said as he took off his jacket.

"No, I don't- Schmoo," Y/n teased as she hung up her jacket.


"Alright let's started," he said as he sat on the floor and placed his books on the coffee table. Y/n followed in his lead and sat on the opposite side of the table. It soon quite down again for them and instead of laughter came the uncomfortable silence.

'Say something, this is starting to get awkward!' Y/n thought to herself. "Y'know we've been in the same class for years and this is the first time I've ever seen you out of school," Y/n pointed out. "Now that I think about it- I don't know much about you."

Adam looked up from his paper, "ya I guess," he said in agreement. "Tell me something about yourself," He asked getting comfortable. "I know that you're shy," Adam said without thinking.

Y/n slightly lower her head with her cheeks growing pink in embarrassment. Adam looked over to see Y/n embarrassed, "oh no I-I didn't mean it like that!" He said worriedly

"It's okay," Y/n reassured. "I usually let Maggie do the talking," Y/n said honestly.

Adam couldn't help but feel like he hurt Y/n's feelings. 'Maybe if I embarrass myself then she'll feel better!' He thought to himself. "Um something you don't know about me is," Adam said as he tried to think of something, "I like musicals!" Adam finally said.

Y/n looked up at him, "musicals?" She asked.

"Ya like The Phantom of the Opera, The Sound of Music, Grease," Adam said hoping it would make Y/n feel better about her shyness.

"I didn't know that," Y/n said in a light giggle.

'Good, she's not upset,' Adam thought to himself. 'She... has a pretty smile.' Adam shook the thought out of his head.

"I also hate wearing glasses," Adam said as he gestured to his eyes.

"Why? I like them," Y/n said innocently. Adam noticed his cheeks growing pink her the comment.

"Eh, what's something I didn't know about you?" Adam asked.

Y/n scrambled her mind to think of something to start a casual conversation, "um, I eh- I'm a big Star Wars fan," Y/n announced while fiddling with her pencil.

It was like a fire had been lit in Adam's soft eyes. "Really?" He asked surprised.

"Ya, and I really like The Lord of The Rings," she's exclaimed while tugging at her sleeves, "I've read all three books."

"I've only read the Hobbit," Adam said engaging in the conversation. Y/n beamed as she looked down at her work sheet paper. Adam smiled, 'Y/n and Jackie are very different people, Y/n seems nice and she's really... Different than I expected.' Adam looked at Y/n as she read over the situational problem. 'She's really pretty-'

"How do you wanna start this?" Y/n asked as she looked up at Adam.

"Bah- I don't know," Adam said as he snapped out of it.

For the rest of the afternoon, Y/n and Adam worked quietly on their project. They would often make eye contact then shoot away from each other. "So," Adam said breaking the silence, "since we're not done would you like to come over again tomorrow? I understand if you can't-"

"Yes," Y/n said instantly, "I mean- for sure."

"Great," Adam said happily. Y/n looked down at her paper with a soft glow. Adam liked her smiled it was something that he was starting to get used to. Just then it had hit Adam:

'What am I doing?'

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