Ice Scream:

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Story Title: Screaming for a Delicious and Terrifying Treat!

♡Ice Scream x Author Insert♡

Book Cover:


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Trailer Plot: It all began in the late 1985 and our main protagonist of this story; Kiyomi Misaki Sweets, is just living her best life Honeycomb City, in a peaceful neighborhood. Kiyomi works at a popular Cafe, baking lots of treats and making delicious beverages. In her neighborhood, Kiyomi is actually pretty popular with the kids and she will always bake a treat for them. Kiyomi loves kids dearly. When growing up, Kiyomi was actually a bit popular with the other kids her age, being a very kindhearted, caring, and sweet soul. Kiyomi was also a pretty shy girl back in the day and she is still a shy one to this day. Kiyomi's dream was to one day open up her very own Cafe, selling and making delicious food, treats, beverages, you name it! One day, when the sun was going down, Kiyomi was in her room doing bills, which she hates doing but doesn't have a choice. When Kiyomi was busy, she suddenly heard the Ice cream truck song, telling her that the Ice cream man is here. Kiyomi loves ice cream a lot. I mean, who doesn't? As Kiyomi peaked out the window, she suddenly saw the Ice cream use his freezing breath to freeze a chubby kid solid. This completely horrified Kiyomi as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Kiyomi was afraid and didn't know why the ice cream was doing this to one of the kids that she knew. With no other choice, Kiyomi decided to try and save the child before it's too late. However, this won't be the only child that Kiyomi needs to save. Join Kiyomi as she solves mysteries and saves the children from the evil ice cream man. Will Kiyomi succeed or will she fail and never see the kids again? This story can go either way.

Full Name: Kiyomi Misaki Sweets

Age: 25

Species/Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight



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December 17, 2023


Time: 2:49 pm

Words: 351

My Very Own Story Ideas For The Future! Please Enjoy. (NEW)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora