ᥫ᭡.│The Kaye Family

Start from the beginning

"Fine, ignore me. But when you're both choking, don't expect me to help."

My mom is the first one to say something, "Déjalos en paz, Lee. Eat your food." (Leave them alone)

Niko looks up from his plate only to stick his tongue out at me before going back to eating.

I'm so imagining the future. These boys are going to end up in the bathroom begging for their lives later.

Whatever, I warned them.

Arius is the first to finish and get more. Niko is right behind him a few minutes later.

I'm finishing up my first and only plate when the boys finish their second ones. Either I'm an extremely slow eater or these guys eat too fast.

"I'm so full. I wish I could take a nap." I place a hand on my bloated stomach while Niko gets up to look in the refrigerator, "Mom, do we still have those fruit yogurts?"

I'm so not surprised.

Arius stands up from his chair and thanks my mom for the food.

"Yeah, Mom, thanks," Niko says with a mouthful of yogurt and I stare at him in disgust.

I can't believe I'm related to him.

"Thank you, mama. And I'll be in detention today so I will be late for dinner."

"No worries. Get home safe and you all have a good day."

We all thank her one last time before heading out.

Our school is only a few blocks away so it doesn't take long to get there. What made it unbearable was Niko's retelling story about the time he ate so much and threw up at the library. As if I wasn't there and it wasn't embarrassing at all watching your brother throw up all over the library floor in front of everyone.

Once we got to the school I quickly got out.

"Thank god. I should've asked Mencia for a ride." I groaned out and swung my bag over my shoulder.

Arius dramatically gasps as he gets out of the car, "You hate us that much?"

Niko even joins in by pretending to be wounded, "My sister! How could this be?!"

I stare at them with a look at which they laugh.

"I'm going to class. See you guys later."

This is what I have to deal with daily.

I meet up with Mencia at her locker and she's quick to start ranting.

"If Mr. Lozano assigns us one more damn essay I'm going to lose my mind."

A small laugh leaves me, "Stressed out?"

She nods her head and starts rubbing her forehead, "He keeps assigning these unnecessary essays and it's driving me crazy. I get scared now going to his class because of this. I'm pretty sure everyone feels the same."

"A big part of me is glad I decided not to take any AP classes."

She closes her locker and sticks her tongue out at me, "So you're saying sucks to be me." I wrap an arm around her while we head to class, "That is exactly what I'm saying."

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