For Those in Peril on the Sea

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The day James Paul Moody discovered the internet was also the day he discovered a splendid little gadgetry called the microwave

He rose early to wash and dress, as was his habit in the Royal Navy, and good practice for any cat-nanny superintending a busy household.

Tying one of Miss Amberflaw's white aprons over a fresh dry T-shirt tailored by The Beatles, he got himself to work on making the Miss breakfast, as any good cat-butler would. 

Fascinated, was he, by the Miss's little fireless furnace and its little clock that counted backwards to the exact minute, with a happy little bell sounding at the end when one's meal was ready. 

Miss Amberflaw informed him that she never took breakfast, never having any extra time, but she was good enough to show him how to use the furnace box properly.

"Step 1: Read instructions on TV dinner."

And lucky for Miss Amberflaw, that meant a scrumptious and convenient be-off-with-you, boxed for easy preparation and take-away when there is no time to be had.

James mumbled the lettering on the box to himself as he read, "Stouffer's Salisbury Steak Family Frozen Dinner Meals...Gor blimey, an entire family can be fed from this singular box?...Roasted patty made with 100% beef topped with onions and gravy with mashed potatoes."

James's mouth watered at the photographed steak on the box, flavorful, juicy, and sultry all glazed with gravy and spuds. 

"A classic dish always freshly made and simply frozen," he read on. "With all the ingredients you can feel good about, for a homemade taste you'll love."

And the rumble of James's stomach served as a punishing reminder that he hadn't eaten since his last dinner on Titanic. A hearty third class serving of Vegetable stew, Fried Tripe, and Swedish bread. 

Only First Class passengers and his senior officers might've enjoyed a nice slice of beef like this Stouffer's right next to their caviar.

It was just his jammy then that filet mignon steak was so plentiful here in 2022, that even the working-class man could enjoy his divvy. 

All's he needed was to fix he and Miss Amberflaw up some toast and beans, and they'd be eating world-class in a fraction of the time.

"Step two: Hit the "Open" button on the microwave--ONCE."

But, as it were, Miss Amberflaw was still getting herself ready in the lavatory, and would be none the wiser should James push the OPEN button at least one-two-three-four-seven extra times. 

All for the pleasure of hearing that satisfying Click the little furnace made when the door popped open, and the miniature lantern lit up automatically from the back. 

"Step Three: Put in food and close door."

James followed it to the letter, resisting the urge to push the OPEN button one last time. 

"Step Four: Punch 3 minutes on the timer."

James hit the OPEN button.


"Step Four: Punch 3 minutes on the timer," he repeated the last step again, as his finger slowly hunted down the buttons for the numbers. "Three...Nowt...and nowt."

"Step Five: Wait for the bell."

"How about that, old man?" James said to Captain Wentworth, who sat like a dark hourglass on the green kitchen rug next to James's feet. "It's already simmering up nice and hot."

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