31. Keeping his mouth shut

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Chapter 31

Lorenzo knew he had committed sins in his life, he was no saint but if this was his price for his mistakes then god must be the cruelest.

To not only have been haunted in his dreams by a certain woman, she was now sitting across him.

Through out the dinner he was tense, no that was a weak choice of word. He was tormented, he was only surprised how the fork in his hand hadn't break from the way he was holding it.

Meanwhile the woman chattered and yes, for Lorenzo's peace of mind he would only think of her as a woman,

not the one he knew,

not as Nora.

She was simply a woman who should've vanished from his mind just like the rest from his bachelor days. And then there was another thing he realised once his shock had cooled.

She was different.

Her once short curls of dark hair was now a blonde mane pulled up in a coiffure making her once sapphire eyes who he recalled not stand out that much. Then it was her behaviour, she was bold and talkative.

Not only by the easy way she talked when before she blush fiercely whenever he looked at her, when she barely could look into his eyes she now encouraged him to share of his life.

Hell! he didn't even know if he should be laughing at the ironic of her question.

Perhaps he should've said, you were in it for a summer if you recall

But he bit it down that remark as he only spoke shortly of his work, hoping she got the hint that he would not entertain her lies.

Had it not been for Evan who were blindly in love with his wife, the deep glances, casual touches of their marriage was obvious that she fooled the man. He would've called her out the second he saw her but who was he to do that? They only spend time for two months, yes mostly in tangled sheets hot enough that he couldn't even compare it to anyone after or before her, but did that mean he could break apart a family?

She was married and had kids,  her infidelity was not his business to tell.

Although he wanted to throttle her, how could she?. How could she sit there and look so... so content while he was falling apart?. While her husband knew nothing of her lies?

And when he thought his evening couldn't get worse Evan let him know that he wanted to hire him for the work on his home and while it should've make Lorenzo more than happy considering the high paid money he would receive and the genuine friendship he felt with the earl could not make him want to stay,

Instead he felt dread.

All because of the woman.


He really need to get a grip. She didn't even acknowledge him, at least the earl didn't pummel him to the ground for having an affair with his wife or whatever they had that summer.

Lorenzo did his best to focus on their three children, twins, George and Elijah were four years almost turning five which only hit him with a reminder of the near time frame of their involvement. Damn her. Then it was the little infant girl Ella who the earl cooed and Lorenzo could see why with her chubby cheeks and same bright blue eyes as the mother.

Lorenzo's chest squeezed, the picture perfect of a family... he wanted to hit something. Mostly himself, for being so stupid, how hadn't he thought to ask her of her life before? It surely would save him heart ache on the way.

And now a day later after a sleepless night he just had to walk into the drawing room, there she sat like an angel, only he knew she was far from it.
a child was cradled against her chest.

after Evan had declared he would need his assistant they agreed he would stay for a little longer. And he could hardly avoid his wife.

"Would you like to hold her?" Lillian as she was called looked up oblivious to his thoughts, he stiffened as her gaze held his with a warm smile.

There was no way she could be this unaffected. Be this cordial and calm. For heavens sake he felt every nerve in his body tense.

But he was mute to say anything as the woman held the child in her embrace,

"Evan has taken to call her his little angel, one can think a man has never had a daughter," she chuckled and the voice didn't seem familiar to him, shaking his head at the way his thoughts were drifting he held his arms out as she handed him the child,

Lorenzo had always wanted children, a house filled with them. He recalled the peaceful happy part of his childhood where everything seemed perfect, the innocence of children and the way they could brighten one's day.

"That's a first," her voice awakened him from his deep thoughts and observant of the little girl who was now smiling toothless, "She usually cries when strangers hold her..."

He didn't reply and only watched fascinated as the baby twist her legs and hands while making silly faces, a calmness he never felt before settled over him.

the trance was over as he forced himself to look away, "I will be out of your hair and just look around for renovation purposes," he spoke after handing her the little girl back. There.

He was professional and since she could act as if nothing ever happened, then so could he.

Only he was faced with a startled look, when she recoiled at his words, "Sir, have I offended you somehow?"

"No, what makes you think that?" Other than that your a fine actress.

Her big blue eyes looked confusingly at him, "You— you— Nothing, it must be my imagination, it must be all the sleepless nights of keeping an eye on this little one," she forced out a smile that only fuelled his anger, how could she play him the fool?. Oh she was a fine actress, perhaps that was an pursuit of hers, after all he knew damn well nothing about the woman.

"Well if you excuse me," he couldn't help his curt and harsh tone, if anything she should be grateful he was keeping his mouth shut.

Why then did she look at him as if he just kicked a puppy?.



A/N: as promised I've updated again, I want to give a shout out to a very supportive supporter ;) @LunaAnnabellea who has motivated me a lot and mind you that every single vote and comment makes my day! I really hope you all know that!. Hope you liked this chapter!.

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