30. Mrs. Hartwick

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Chapter 30

If Lord Hartwick had mentioned that Essex was far away from London and out on the country Lorenzo would've changed his attire and wear something more thick for this harsh weather, thankfully it hadn't started snowing.

In Italy it rarely snows in Venice but it sure does more northern, it reminded him of his childhood and somewhere in his chest it only tightened. Christmas was near and he only knew it meant burying himself in more work so he wouldn't be reminded, and normally it worked since he would be isolated from the world, but now he was faced with his misery.

Lord Hartwick had insisted he take one of his groomsman to bring him directly to the estate and Lorenzo was now thankful since the man drove full speed and in less then two days with occasional stop to sleep and eat at the nearest inn they arrived.

Lorenzo got off and nearly sighed aloud at the way his stiff body could finally stand, even with the days he joined the builders with shoving and working his body seemed to take its tools. He was weary from the journey now.

"Welcome to Winterlea, sir," the groomsman nodded before taking off leaving Lorenzo to face the place

He sucked in a harsh breath as he took in the view.

The ground were extensive seeming to cover over ten thousand acres from his quick calculating and knowledge. Yet he had never seen places like this with his eyes, it was not modern, it spoke off history. A series of elegant formal gardens led up to around the house.

Landscaping that could keep a person wandering quite happily for hours.

The house itself was immense, more along the lines of a palace. Lorenzo only could guess how many rooms it had, no doubt more than the castle in Rome itself.

Before he lost his mind by the glorious sight he headed towards the place, a few footmen making sure he was not a trespasser and let him in, Lorenzo wanted to know why Lord Hartwick felt the need to bring him here, the man was an earl and to Lorenzo's little knowledge of England he knew at least they honoured and had high regards for old fashion,  didn't like changes very much.

He was never one to judge but it would be a lie if the lord did not gain his respect and perhaps judgement as well.

Lorenzo was brought up to the drawing room after a very needed bath and a maid even brought In a trail of refreshments.

in awaiting for the Lord who he'd been told was out for a ride. He took in the multiple paintings on the walls. Men and families from generation. Lorenzo easily could tell it was the blood line of the family.

He was just about to look closely upon the latest one when boots came through the hall and Lord Hartwick approached with a chuckle, "I hope I haven't been away to long for your inspection,"

Shaking hands briefly Lorenzo smiled, "Your estate my lord is spectacular,"

Evan clasped his hands behind his back with a grin, "I suppose it is, but one who has lived here his whole life I'm afraid can't see the same vision"

Ah, Lorenzo understood that very much. How many times hasn't he went through his own house as if caged in a glass and the once beauty felt dull after years of passing the same hallway, same doors, same rooms and the giddy feeling long gone.

Perhaps he was sentimental but Lorenzo could understand the earl, maybe they had a thing or two in common.

"I can say that a renovation would no doubt bring delight to your
Inspection," Lorenzo didn't know if it was way to forward since they haven't even spoken of arrangements and work, but Evan only flashed him a smile, "Perhaps your correct, come along while my wife and children won't be back for dinner you can get a sight on this place,"

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