chapter 23

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Lorenzo's pov

I knew it was going to be difficult being with a riddle from the beginning.

Those who could love.

Though i have fell for the eyes that weren't looking at me.

I suppose it doesn't matter which way you read this book here because, either way Ella Riddle and I Lorenzo Berkshire will end up as strangers..

Though I was just a chapter in your book darling,you will be my entire story.

I haven't left my room in ages, my mums been coming up and given me food.

I sigh as I roll over in my bed looking at the plates full of food on my desk.
I roll my eyes and roll myself to my back facing the ceiling.
His could this happen . I love Ella she's my ella.

I feel empty.
Without her my love

the phone on my desk was ringing and i let the first 2 rings go by then forcing myself to get up
and answer
"what" i snap

"enzo?" pansy asked

"you okay? what happened?" She must've not told Pansy.

"Ella broke up with me" I gut out
"Oh Lorenzo,I'm sorry. Draco Blaise and me are all going to hogsmeade later on come over" she says

I sigh

"Not feelin-" Before i even finish i hear
"Fucking Merlin Sorry about Ella, Love you man but I haven't seen you in forever i need Enzo time" Blaise screamed into the phone
I chuckle deeply
"i'll be there"

Ella's pov

I can't be with Theodore.
I just can't.

I need to be with enzo
Theo had been friends with Blaise,Draco,Mattheo,and Enzo...

Now i'm just ringing it but how is this my fault.
It's my father's not mine.
I sigh and decide to go out and take a walk in the garden.

Tom,Mattheo, and i use to play out here all of the time.
Playing tag,hide and seek,and every game you could think of.
As i go off indroused in my thoughts flooding in i go to the stone bench Under the willow tree in which i would come to write,sleep,or to think.

As i walk up i realize someone was sitting on my bench.
"Hello" I say
He looks up at me and i know who it is.
Regulus Black.
A small smirk on his face other wise emotionless.

"Hello Riddle" I honestly hate when people call me that it reminds me of my father and mother too much but it does remind me of the power it holds.
I move my eyebrows in an almost bored expression looking at the pen spot next to him.

He scooted over and I had gladly taken the spot next to him.
"So Reg, what brings you here?" I ask looking next to me to notice that he was already looking downstairs t me.

A smirk on his face almost plastered
"My parents wanting to kiss up to your father" He said bluntly
I soon realize i'm staring off in the distance zoning out.

A hand gets placed on my shoulder
o whip my head
Right Reg is still here

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me
"How blunt you are" i smirked
"Are yougoing to be attending hogwarts?" I ask him
"Yes i am" he nods

I stand up
"Well i guess we will have to meet again, goodbye reg"
I walk away
"Bye?" his voice sounds questioning

I giggle to myself.

As i walk away from him and j to the house and walk up the black long stairs.
Hearing each of my heels step in the cold marble floor.

As i got the the top someone pushed me in a room.
I turn around
"What the- draco?" i ask him
He looks tense and his blonde hair is a mess.
He put his hand through his hair to comb it out and i see his present eye bags.

I was about to say something but he interrupts me and puts his hands on my shoulders staring into my eyes.
"Don't get close to Regulus or Theodore." He states

"Why not?" I ask confused
"They are very bad news, and as your cousin i'm looking out for you"

I opens my mouth for a total of 4 seconds before He turns to leave the room.

He stops in his tracks
"Don't do it El" he said and left me in the cold bathroom alone with my thought.

The door opened again
"What the fuck are you just standing there?" Mattheo asked me with a weird look on his face
"N-Nothing"J say still confused


"Wanna get out so i can piss?" He asked me and pulled me by my forearm and locked me out the bathroom.

I roll my eyes
as i walk to my room.

Hey guys finally a frickiing update.
Are y'all team Enzo,Reg,or Nott tell me i need to know!!!

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