Chapter 20

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Ella's pov

I'm currently in potions writing down my new potion and it's doing well when professed Snape comes up to me
"Dumbledores office. Now" he said with his voice dripping in venom
Ok then.

I made my way down to Dumbledores office and of course as I go in the doors open and I see Dumbledore and 2 of my fathers "staff" which is just another word for death eaters in disguise.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion of seeing them especially at my school infront of the students and staff.

"Well, Ms.Riddle How do you do?" Dumbledore asked me a bit to calm for me not to be suspicious.
"Could be better" i sighed with a hint of annoyance
As soon as Dumbldore opened his mouth to say something else the door swung open to reveal Tom and Mattheo.

I knew if I was involved with something they would bring my big brothers down with me.
"Since you are all here, as it turns out your mother would like for you all to go home and not return till the next break is over" he said to us

wel- wait WHAT! No! But of course like usual Tom read my mind
"Pardon?" He was confused but he asked with an emotionless and expressionless face.
"I was sent a letter saying so. And these fine gentlemen shall escort you home aswell. Must you go now to pack your luggage" he said still with a calm face present.
The next break is Christmas break and that's in a month.

"Goodbye children. We will meet eachother after the new year" dumbledore finished
Now my brothers and I are walking back one of the oafs that have been following us since leaving Dumbledores quarters. T
Now one was just walking behind Mattheo and I, Mattheos dorm is right next to mine aswell.
I sighed deeply.
I slowly stop walking and turn to face oaf #1
"Listen Prat, Mattheo and I will go to our dorms shall you wait here" i say looking straight at him trying to find that hint of worry in his eyes or even nervousness at least. Tom had already walked away and went on to his dorm

Before he could even answer i practically answered for him, looked to mattheo grabbed his wrist and pulled him into my dorm.
"Oh damn" he was suprised but let me take him.
I pushed him into my dorm.
"Do you know something?" I sneered at my brother would stands up taller

"Well I do indeed have no idea what your talking about dear little sister" he said with an accent and smirking

I just rolled my eyes as we started to walk towards the train.
We would've Apparited but We didn't want to be there any sooner.

Tom is 9
Mattheo 8
Ella is 7

Oh no...
Tom and I were fighting and father heard us...
He was having a meeting with his friends.

One of them came out to gather us and made us sit in the hallways outside the meeting room.
I'm scared of what's gonna happen-

Before I even finished my thought the door opened to my father walking out and taking us by the wrists.

Squeezing harder and harder.
My wrist in his left hand and mattheo and toms wrists in his right.

We. started walking to the East wing... oh no
we're going to "The cells"

My parents have these rooms rught next to eachother with just a pair of shackles on the ground for our ankles.

It's a way of telling us to not act like kids.
We would go days in there with barely any food or water.

My father pushed me in my room which I was met with my markers of past days
( llll llll)

I heard mattheo and tom get pushed into theirs,
and heard my fathers say

"if you seek love, find it elsewhere."

And with that we were in there for a few days with no talking. no nothing.

-end of flashback-

i felt a slight nudge in my shoulder

"Ella" somone grabbed my hair and forced me to look up and open my eyes

"ugh what?" I asked annoyed

"we are here" tom said blankly
here we go I wonder why we had to come home out of no where.
As we walk through our irregularly large garden. I was wondering why now why at all come here.

The second the doors to my "home" opened I felt that horrid chill through my body.
I could only imagine what my "parents" had in store for us today.
I was deep in thought when Mattheo pulled me out.

"Why are you guys just standing there?" he gestures to both tom and I looked around at this house to see the dark and empty living room with but 1 large portrait over the fire place.

My father was behind Tom,Mattheo,and I
We were told not to smile at all in this photo so I witnessed my blank face in the middle of my brothers and my Father behind me

I was soon brought out of my gaze to see the large office doors open and heated high heels walk out slowly.

It was my mother.

My mother was assumed dead for most of our lives so why come now?

She stood before us expecting us to go up to her and be rejoicing with love and excitement only to be let down by our actual responses.

"Hello Mother" Tom said blankly

"Hello my children, yes it is I your mother, Your father and I have decided to get back together"
She said smiling

I was confused my mom kind of just disappeared one day.
My father never mentioned her again so why now?

"Tom,Mattheo how have my handsome boys been and my beautiful Ella" She said

I don't remember her being..nice?
What page of some kind of muggle story am I in right now?

Ella riddleWhere stories live. Discover now