a lil cheeky🤭: chapter 10

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      Tom threw me in his dorm.
"are you fucking kidding me!?" tom screamed at me
"i'm sorry, i just wanted to-" i couldn't even finish my sentence when
mattheo walked in with a blood splatter on his shirt, his knuckles had bruises, and blood on his face.

it ngl made uncomfy
he stomped up to a mirror and punched and it broke instantly with glass shards everywhere
he was very mad.

Fun Fact: Mattheo has our fathers awful temper and my mother patience(she ain't got non)
suddenly he just stopped and spoke to me
"what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" he screamed at me

i haven't seen mattheo like this since... well a long time
he got closer to me
As he did I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him.

"i'm sorry! it's just i wanted to see him." i spoke getting angry
which was either a mistake or a death note
"WHO!? BERKSHIRE?!?" mattheo screamed
he stared right through my body and through my eyes with his blood shot one's. I could see the red veins in his eyes pop and the vein in his forehead began to for it to explode.

"yes." i say simply trying to calm my voice and temper. clamping my nails so deep into my palms i bleed.

"well good thing i almost killed him" he said smirking at me
i had no expression on my face
but i felt anger the. frustration
"WHY DO YOU DENY ME TO LOVE!?" i scream at him louder then ever
"Becaus-" he couldn't finish
"NO ONE WILL EVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME?!" i yell with both hurt and anger in my voice

"we do love-" tom tried saying
"that's not enough." i state quietly
"what." tom states his eyes wide

"no, i hope you don't think that's shits fair" i say pushing them aside and running to the hospital ( wing.
to see lorenzo...

"lorenzo? lorenzo!???" i yell trying to find him until i did..
my brothers have beat up people who has liked me but not like this.
my eyes met his swollen ones
his bloody mouth and stab wound in his arm made me gag
mattheo must have broken a beer bottle and stabbed him with it..
yes, i know what you're thinking " girl- you act so calm when your brother JUST FUCKIN KARATE CHOPPED YOUR CRUSH"
first off Enzo is just a friend- stop!
second off mattheo has done this before..

hey ella. mike says
oh hey mike! i say
"what's up?" i say
"so i just wanted to tell you that j like yo-"
"WHAT!?" mattheo screams
he was eavesdropping
"not my sister!" mattheo yells
he went up to him pulled him up by his color with both hands and rammed him into the wall behind us.
"look geek, you will never talk to my sister again, go near hear again, or even look at her again. you got it? or will i have to show you?" mattheo said in he's away from
mikes face smirking
"oh- um- y-yes sir" mike stuttered as he ran away
-end of flashback-
mattheo has really always been that one brother that's just so protective. why can't he be like tom? who doesn't care just doesn't want me to kiss anyone.
anyway back with Enzo

"hey" Enzo weakly said to me
"hey" i say with regretfulness in my eyes
"how are you? are you okay?" i ask
"yeah i'm fine just a little bruised up" he says
faintly smiling
we kept talking for what felt like hours
until something happened
"oh you have something on your shoulder" i say getting closer to wipe it off
when.. our eyes met
my eyes fell into his deep, brown eyes which looked like a black hole.
i kept getting closer not breaking eye contact when i did it but of course he walked through the door.

Cliffhanger! who did you guys think it is??? make sure to
comment your answer! working on the next chapter now!💙💙

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