i was brought back to the night it all stayed and i fell on top of jack. he winked at me and i was quick to get off of him. "what's going on?" i asked, confused as to what just happened. santa fell from the roof like what i remember and jack and santa started fighting. i looked around and it was like old times. jack put on the coat and i gasped, "oh no." my dad disappeared and i was transported to a random house and saw a really ugly man sitting on my couch.

"what the hell..?" i whispered to myself and the dude looked at me, "sweetheart! you're home." he came over and kissed me. i pulled away and looked at him confused, "what... i..."he looked at me worried, "what's wrong, princess?" he cupped my face. i pulled away from him and grabbed keys going to laura and neal's house. i saw my dad getting in his car and i went over to him, "what's going on?" he grabbed my arm and put me in his car. then we were on a plane and then at the north pole. i asked many times, what was happening and got no answer.

we got there and looked around and it was an amusement park. we got in line and went inside and gave one of the elves out tickets. i saw bernard and went over to him, "bernard!" he looked at me like i was crazy, "who are you? why do you- sorry. welcome to the north pole. how may i help you." he said with a fake cheerful face. what's happening.

     i walked around outside and saw how different it is. my life is completely different, i don't actually want this. i don't want a normal life. i want bernard, i want rose, i want to be an elf again.

this is absolute torture. this is the worst thing that's ever happened... ever. i miss how happy everyone was, i miss carol, i miss having my family, i don't want to be married to another man. i want to be married to bernard.

seeing bernard in this place just isn't right. he isn't happy. he's absolutely miserable when the north pole is like this. i walked back into the workshop a while later and saw jack frost performing new york, new york but north pole style. i watched it in disgust. none of the elves look like that want to be there.

everyone clapped but i was the only one to boo then when my dad came out of no where and kicked him, i cheered and a couple people looked at me like i was crazy and i ignored them.

they started fighting and my dad made a fool of himself. my dad fell into the gingerbread house and i couldn't help but laugh. i saw bernard out of the corner of my eye, just staring with no emotion and it made me feel terrible.

i must've missed something on stage because lucy threw a snowglobe to my dad but jack caught it and then my dad played jack's voice back on the pen and the snowglobe did it's magic and we were sent back to the night.

i watched the two fight and the three of us hid, watching the scene that was supposed to happen play out. i cringed at my outfit from that night, wondering how i wore that.

it all worked out and everything was back to normal. i saw bernard and curtis talking and i smiled, running over to them, tackling bernard in a tight hug. "what's.... what's happening?" he asked really confused and i got out of the hug, "uh... i just wanted a hug." he nodded with a confused face and then went back to talking with curtis.

     "elves?" my dad yelled and everyone stopped what they were doing. "stop working for a minute! i'd like you all to say hello to the in-laws." they all spoke in unison, "hello in-laws." i smiled, happy that everything is normal again. the elves got back to work.

     i had to go see rose. i ran to my room and saw rose playing with a little reindeer toy. i smiled at her and went over to her and played with her, happy to have my actual family back. bernard walked in shortly after and started playing with us too, as much as he could. i turned to look at him and kissed him softly.

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