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i was walking over to the bathroom and once i was in, i looked at the mirror to brush my hair.

i gasped when i saw my cheeks a little glittery and my ears getting more pointed.

a smile grew onto my face when i noticed that i was finally starting to look like an elf. elves are so pretty.. especially ber- NOPE.

my dad walked into the bathroom after me and we both screamed. he got so much more fatter and he started to grow a beard.

he ran back and forth from the scale to the mirror and was frantically yelling that something's wrong with the mirror and scale.

he ran out and got dressed in a horrible outfit for work.

i went back to my room and got changed and brushed my hair.

"you look very pretty with pointed ears meadow" i heard a voice speak from behind me.

i shrieked and turned around and punched whenever it was, and it turned out to be bernard.

i gasped "i'm so sorry bernard, you just scared me so badly" i grabbed his cheek from where i slapped and it looked red. i ran downstairs and got him an ice pack.

"here, put it on your cheek" he grabbed it and put it where i slapped but took it off s second later.

"meadow, i don't need all this. it's fine, but uh, let's get to training" he said awkwardly.

i slowly nodded and we went downstairs.

he explained to me that we were going to be working more on my healing magic.

we walked around until we saw an injured cat. i slowly walked up to it and grabbed it and brought it home.

i layed it down on my floor and hovered my hands over where it was jnjured.

i focused everything, my attention and my energy, on helping this poor cat.

it took a little while but i was able to do it, but it was finally healed.

i was happy and let the cat back outside. i turn around to thank bernard but he was gone. there was note from where he stood before.

dear snowflake,

hmm. snowflake. that's a new one.

dear snowflake,

i'm sorry i left unannounced
but i got an alert that the north
pole needed me back. you did
great today and i can't wait to
help you again!



400 words

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