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(so like... i'm skipping to when they get to the north pole because the beginning is really boring and bernard isn't in it yet.)

we land in a very snowy area and we look around, very confused as to where we are.

"is this okay dad?" charlie asked as he squeezed my hand.

"no it's not okay!" my dad yelled "hey does this look like home to you guys?!" the reindeer just ran away from the sleigh and my dad groaned.

we heard footsteps approaching and saw a child... wait no. an elf? approach is though the snow.

my dad started yelling at the elf but the elf ignored him and a pole came out of the ground.

my dad leaned over to me "what's that?" he whispered in my ear. i look up at him with a straight face "how am i supposed to know?"

"i think it's the north pole." charlie said and my dad gave a confused face "that's the north pole?!"

the elf started pressing buttons and all of a sudden we started lowering into the ground.

i look around and see elves all over the place. dancing around and having fun. my eyes lock with this one elf who looked around my age, which was weird.

we landed and my dad said something very stupid "where are all the grown ups?"

i rolled my eyes and my dad got out of the sleigh "stay here."

i groaned and sat back in the seat. i had left my walkman at home so i didn't even have any music playing.

charlie hopped out of the sleigh and ran over to find our dad. "charlie!"

we found him and the elf i saw earlier. we heard the elf "can i get you a drink?"

"no i don't want a drink" my dad practically yelled at the elf. charlie walked up to them "i'm thirsty and hungry too."

i ran around the corner and up to charlie "did you not hear me call your name?" charlie just looked at me and shrugged.

"who are they?" the elf asked with a higher voice than from what i first heard.

"this is my son, charlie. and this is my daughter, meadow." our dad introduced us to the elf "this is... beh... buh... bee"

"bernard" the elf, well i guess bernard, corrected my dad.

"hi bernard!" charlie said happily "hiya sport" bernard said and shook charlie's hand.

"hey bernard" i said with a smile "hello meadow. by the way, beautiful name" i thanked him with a smile and he looked over at charlie.

"hey, you know what? i got something for you. okay. now hold out your hand, alright?"

bernard pulled something out of his satchel and placed it in charlie's hands "now, be very careful. this is very old, just like me."

it was a cute little snow globe. i patted charlie on the back "shake it up charlie" charlie shook the snow globe and it looked magical.

"why don't you hold onto it for me for a while? it might come in handy" bernard smiled at charlie.

"thanks. thanks a lot. i promise i'll take real good care of it" charlie said and smiled at bernard.

"make sure you do" bernard emphasized. i smiled at the two because they seemed to be getting along.

"hey barabbas." my dad said and i glared at him and corrected him at the same time that bernard did "bernard!"

"bernard. can we take a direct flight back to reality or do we have to change planes in denver?"

"larry, take charlie here and get him some chow." bernard sent charlie off with a random elf.

"no, larry, don't do that. charlie!" my dad yelled after charlie.

"he'll be okay. follow me. santa, you might want to get out of those clothes." bernard said and started walking ahead.

"i... no look, barnaby, i just want to go home" my dad complained and he was really getting on my very last nerve.


666 words

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