Chapter Twenty Six - Chain of Command

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Thankfully the wind was with you for the majority of the first day, you were making good time. You father really loved sailing, you could see it in his eyes whenever he explained a technique to you or taught Raxe something about the ship. He and Caspian spent hours trading stories of their adventures, (your father obviously having way more...). He taught you things you wouldn't have otherwise known about your ship specifically. He pointed out slight nuances that Oren had added during its construction that reduced its weight "making you shallower on the draft than other galleons."

You leaned against the railing on the top deck, laughing to yourself as you watched your dad attempt to teach Raxe how to wield a sword. Caspian joined you at your side.
"Did I look that ridiculous when you were teaching me?" You chuckled.
"Yes." He laughed, "but you are much cuter, so it made up for it."
"I've never seen this side of my father before. The man I knew was a gentle innkeeper who wouldn't hurt a fly."
"We all have sides. Right now your father has to be the version of himself that is threatening, commanding, and a good leader. The same way you switch to your protective, temper-driven self when you or your loved ones are in danger. But I know you also have a side that is quiet, vulnerable, and enjoys being taken care of. I got to spend the entire night with her." He glanced at you coyly from the corner of his eye.
You blushed. "You bring that side out of me..."
"Good." He chuckled. "There's a time and place for her, and I very much enjoy her company..."
You felt a pulsing between your thighs, followed by a soreness that gave you a strange sense of satisfaction. "You wore me out... I could barely walk up the stairs this morning..." You turned redder thinking of everything he did to you last night.
"I can focus on the parts of you that aren't worn out..." He leaned over and began nibbling on your earlobe, and nuzzling your neck, tickling you.
"Caspian..." You giggled. "Everyone can see!"
"I don't care..." He purred softly.
A crew member came up the stairs behind you and cleared his throat. "Excuse me Captain..." He mumbled embarrassed.
You pushed Caspian away playfully, but you were clearly flushed. "Yes?" You laughed. You could hear Caspian chuckling behind you, clearly enjoying torturing you.
"Some of the men were wondering about the chain of command..." He averted his gaze submissively.
You felt your temper bubbling. "Yes? What of it?"
"Well.. see we don't have a first mate...and there's been some disagreements on distributions of tasks..."
"Oh." You realized suddenly this wasn't about you. "Right." You looked back out to the lower deck as your father and Raxe sparred. "Let them know I will make my decision by the end of the day."
"Aye Captain." He turned and walked down the stairs.
"You haven't made a decision yet?" Caspian asked.
"I forgot about it, honestly. But I think I just did."

You asked Caspian to follow you down to the main deck, and Raxe and your father stopped their practicing to greet you.
"Hey Dad, can I ask you something?"
"Sure Bug." He put down the practice sword.
"I was wondering...if you would be my First Mate?"
His face lit up. "Really?"
Raxe and Caspian smiled behind him. "Yes." You answered assuredly. "There's no one better, the men already respect you. You are the most experienced sailor on this ship, and I wouldn't trust anyone else. That is, if the King is ok with it?" You looked to Caspian for his approval.
"I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly." He smiled and patted your father on the back.
"I would be honored..." Your dad glowed. "Thank you... Captain." He gave you a little bow.
"Oh great..." Raxe panted, "Now he can actually tell me what to do..."
"That's right son, now pick that sword back up." Your dad laughed.
"Uughh...old're kicking my ass...." Raxe bent over with his hands on his knees.
You all laughed. Caspian took Raxe's practice sword from him. "Pick on someone your own skill level." He smiled, getting in stance.
"Alright, you asked for it.." Your father laughed.
Watching your father and Caspian duel was like watching a ballet. Two absolute masters at the craft trading blows, dancing back and forth with such autonomy drew the attention of the rest of the crew. Raxe came to lean against the railing next to you.
"Five Lions on your dad..." He bet you.
"Psh. You're on. You've never dueled Caspian." You folded your arms over your chest confidently.
A few times you were worried they might accidentally hurt each other with the ferocity they demonstrated, but both Caspian and your father pulled their blows at the last second. Their sequences were absolute perfection, you began to note to Raxe the nuisances of each strike, each parry. You explained to him their footwork, and how one knew where the other one would strike next. The longer they fought, the more intense Caspian's became. His dark brown eyes began to sink into that beautiful obsidian. His muscles rippled as sweat began to glisten off his exposed chest. He smiled tauntingly when he would dodge, and your heart raced... Watching him fight was turning you on...
"You alright?" Raxe asked suddenly. "You got really quiet all of a sudden."
"Oh yea." You tried to hide your flushed cheeks. "Just got... entranced.. by the fight."
"Oh. Yea I'm sure" He nudged you teasingly. "The fact that his shirt is basically ripped open has nothing to do with it."
"Shut up." You smiled, but didn't deny it.
"Ooo!" Raxe winced as Caspian landed a faux blow to your father's side, causing him to lean in that direction, leaving his other side vulnerable. Caspian thrust his sword into your father's exposed chest, stopping just short of contact. The crew cheered.
"Damn." Raxe chuckled.
Caspian helped your father to his feet, clapping him on the back, panting. "It's been a while since I've had an opponent take me to my limits."
"Hey!" You laughed from the sideline.
Caspian smiled at you, the loose strands of hair falling over his eyes as he placed his hands on his hips, his chest heaving under his open shirt. A tingle shot down your stomach.
"You almost did..." He winked at you.
You went weak in the knees.
"I'm not sure I can keep up with you boys!" Your father laughed. "Sure you don't want to take over his lessons?" He motioned at Raxe.
"After seeing that I'll stick with you, thanks." Raxe shook his head.
"Just watch when he gets his hands on an opponent without a sword." Caspian punched Raxe playfully in the arm as you handed him and your father a drink. "You still have to teach me that move..." He took a sip.
"We can alternate sword fighting and wrestling lessons." Raxe chuckled.
"Phew... at least I know between the two of you my little girl is protected." Your father stated, sitting down on a crate.
"She doesn't need us." Caspian chuckled. "You should see her in action, it's like trying to fight the wind."
You blushed at the praise. "Only thanks to you." You looked up at Caspian.
"Let me see that blade of yours Bug." Your father held his hand out to you.
You unsheathed Morùnsearc and handed him the hilt carefully.
"Ooh... very nice..." He turned it over in his hands. "Nicely balanced... and light. Where did you get it?"
"Rictor." You explained. "After I beat him for the Scale, it was a peace offering from him."
Caspian tensed up.
"Ah yes. He collected blades even when I knew him. I don't recognize this make though." Your father eyed the blade carefully.
"May I see it?" Your father handed it to Raxe who inspected it carefully. "Huh, interesting."
"What?" You questioned.
"The steel is blended with something... I can't quite make out what it is..." Raxe explained. "Though the style is unique to Archenland." He handed your sword back to you.
"Probably stole it from an ally of mine..." Caspian murmured under his breath.
"I see Rictor made an impression on you." Your father chuckled.
"He was the one who gave me this." You lifted your neck to show your scar.
"Rictor did that!? I assumed one of his men... I knew he tried to take the Scale from you but I never thought he would dare raise his blade..." Your father's voice darkened. "He's going to have to answer for that..."
"He already did." You attempted to pacify him. "I beat him, we took over his ship, and he signed a treaty, and as I said, gave me this sword as a peace offering."
"Hmm." Your father did not seem convinced.
"See? I'm not the only one." Caspian grumbled.
"Neither of you have to like him. But you do have to accept the terms of the treaty." You placed your hands on your hips firmly. "Now let's drop it."
"You can't tell me what to do..." Caspian mumbled.
"Captain." You reminded him. "My ship. My rules."
"You did this to yourself." Raxe chuckled at Caspian shaking his head.

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