Chapter Twenty Five - With All Haste

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The cold ocean air stung at your overheated body as you lay next to Caspian, panting. He was on his back, with one arm above his head, while the other held your hand, running his thumb gently across yours.
"That...was amazing..." You gasped out with great effort.
"You are amazing." He turned his head to look at you, a contented smile on his face.
You rolled over and lay your head on his chest. His heartbeat was pounding against your ear. "Twice..." You murmured into his skin.
He chuckled, and you heard it reverberate in his chest before it escaped his lips. "Damn, I'll have to try harder next time..."
"I'm sure your record with other women is way higher than that." You joked.
You felt his head turn town to look at you. "What do you mean?" He asked sincerely.
You looked up to meet his gaze. ""Oh only that I know you've had your pick of the ladies at court." You smiled. "You have a lot more experience with women's pleasure than I would..."
"I... don't..." He began, furrowing his brow. "My Starlight, I've only been with one other woman in this manner..."
"Yea right..." You laughed it off and lay your head back on his chest.
He lifted your chin with his finger. "I speak the truth. You're only the second woman I have made love to."
"How is that possible?" You were genuinely surprised.
"I don't go around courting every woman I meet..."
"No. I mean... You' You could literally have a different woman for each day of the week and no one would bat an eye... Look at you..."
"I only want to look at you." He raised his eyebrow at you. "You really think of me as some sort of man-whore?" He chuckled.
"Well I mean... I wouldn't blame you..." You smiled, secretly relieved at his body count. Then after a moment you asked. "Who was the other woman?"
"Truthfully I wouldn't even consider her a woman at the time since I myself was not yet a man...It was back when I lived in my father's castle... I was young and impulsive, and she was pretty and flirtatious. She was the daughter of one of the other Lords, and we were spending a lot of time together. One thing led to another... I was very fortunate her father didn't find out." He chuckled.
"I'm sure you were quite the little heartbreaker." You smiled.
"Ah well... if I was, it wasn't intentional." He laughed.
"I would've never guessed you only had one other partner, with how good you are..." You trailed off.
"I don't know about that " He kissed the top of your head. " I think you made up most of the talent."
"Well I mean... you knew exactly how to read me..."
"I just listened to you. I listened to your moans, and the way your body moved for me, and responded to that... I didn't do anything extraordinary..."
A laugh burst from you. "That is extraordinary."
"Well it shouldn't be..." He stopped. "What about you? Outside of all the miscreants who defiled you... There wasn't anyone on that island who you gave your heart to?"
" was a bit busy for love. Plus in case you didn't notice, it was slim pickings before you brought everyone back..."
"I suppose that's a fair point..." He mused. "So... this means... I'm the first man to make you cum, and the first one to make you cum twice..." His eyes glinted down at you.
"Yes." You nuzzled back into his chest, and smiled.
"Shall we try for another record?" He began running his fingers up and down your side softly.
"Aren't you tired?" You giggled.
"Do I look tired?" He gestured down at his cock, which was rock hard again. "Unless you're tired..."
"Mmm... not after seeing that..." You bit your lip, and sat up, your pussy was already getting wet. You swung your leg over him to straddle his lower abdomen, his cock pressing against your ass.

* * *

It was late into the night before you finally fell asleep in each other's arms, your naked bodies pressed together. You weren't sure where this would lead, but you didn't care anymore. In this moment, on your ship, you were his, and he was yours. You chose to live in this world until it was torn away from you. His heartbeat thumped melodically in your ear, keeping you sound asleep through the night.

* * *

"Good morning Captain..." his warm voice brought you out of a deep sleep. You opened your eyes to the early morning sun. Caspian lay on his side with his arm folded back under his head. He was brushing your hair with his fingers.
"What time is it?" You sighed sleepily.
"About an hour after daybreak." He smiled at you. "I hated to wake you, you looked so peaceful."
"Mmm..." You groaned and hid your face in the pillow.
He chuckled at you. "Come on, you have a crew to direct." He leaned in and kissed you on your back.
"Coffee..." You mumbled face down.
"It's to be delivered shortly."
"You already told them to bring it up?"
"I made arrangements for everything from the moment the ceremony began to this morning. I didn't want us to be disturbed."
You rolled back over, "You thought of everything..." You sighed happily, and scooted over to him, resting your head on his chest.
"Now...don't go getting me comfortable.. we still have to get up..." He scolded you, but didn't stop you.
"So make me move then." You snarked.
He sighed. "You are impossible..." then paused to think. "Don't you want to try on your new baldric?"
Your eyes shot open, and you sat up in excitement. "Oh! I forgot about it."
He laughed at you, and pulled himself into a sitting position, "Go on then, get dressed..."
You rolled over the top of him, clutching the sheets over your naked body, pulling them off him in the process.
"Hey..." He laughed and pulled them back, "It's cold..."
"Well...aren't you getting up too?" You laughed with him.
"I wanted to enjoy the show..." He pulled the rest of the sheets back towards him, they unwrapped from your body leaving you completely exposed.
The doors were still open from last night, and the breeze blew through the room, sending goosebumps all over your body and making your nipples hard.
"Now I'm cold...." You shivered.
"I can see that..." He smirked.
You rolled your eyes at him, but secretly enjoyed the attention he was giving you.
You searched through your trunk for whatever clothes you had left over that weren't completely tattered. A pair of tight fitting grey pants sat folded neatly at the bottom of your chest, so you threw those on, but every top you pulled out was either torn, dirty, or both.
"Ugh, I have no clean blouses..." You fussed, placing your hands on your hips.
"You can just walk around like that..." Caspian teased as he got up out of the bed, the sheet hanging low around his hips as he held it with one hand.
"Only if you walk around like that..." You oggled him up and down.
He chuckled and made his way into the study, leaving the doors open behind him. You heard him shuffling through his trunk.
"Here." He appeared back in the doorway holding a white long sleeve shirt with a very low cut v-neck. "You can wear this."
You took it from him, and slipped it on. It came down to your lower thighs and the sleeves were more akin to wings.
"I'm drowning in this..." You held your arms up with the sleeves covering your hands.
He laughed, "It's either that or topless... which again... I'm not opposed to..."
You huffed and stared at yourself in the mirror... then you got an idea.
You found the dress from last night on the floor, and turned it inside out. Just as you thought...the corset was only held inside the seam with a few clasps. You got to work removing it from the dress, and Caspian watched you curiously as he slipped on his own clothes, and poured you coffee that a crew member brought in. You sipped as you worked.
Once the black corset was free of the dress you wrapped it around the outside of your baggy top, and pulled it tight. Your breasts perked right up, spilling over the top, offering just the right amount of support. You tucked the excess into your pants as neatly as possible, and folded up the sleeves to your elbows. Much better... you actually felt confident in this. You slipped on your knee high leather boots, and turned to face Caspian.
"Well?" You asked.
His eyes glinted. "Fierce... " he smiled. "Only one more thing..." He handed you Morùnsearc in your new baldric, and you bucked it on. "Now Captain, your crew awaits." He held the door to the deck open for you.
You walked into the sunshine. The men already knew their routines and were bustling about, greeting you as you passed, "Morning Captain."  You made your way to the upper deck with Caspian behind you, where you found your father at the helm, teaching Raxe something about ropes.
"Morning Bug. I mean... Captain." He tipped his head at you with a smile.
"Hi Dad." You kissed him on the cheek.
"How was your night...." Raxe elbowed you suggestively.
"Relaxing. Thanks..." You gave Raxe a look that screamed. "My father is RIGHT there..."
Raxe laughed to himself.
"Do we have a heading?" Your father asked you.
"Well... I wanted to talk about that with all of you." You looked back at Caspian.
"I'm torn between heading straight back to the Lone Islands or to Terebinthia... to look for Mom..." You looked to your father knowingly. "Dad, you'll be safer if we head straight home..."
Caspian rolled out the map on the table behind the helm. "We are currently closer to the Lone Islands, Terebinthia is another week's journey past that. We could easily drop you off Doleraz..."
"No. If you're going after your mother I want to be with you." Your father insisted firmly.
"It would shave about four days off going straight there..." Caspian showed you on the map. "But there is one other problem."
"What?" Raxe asked.
Caspian looked at you, then began to explain. "When we confronted Vorsud he mentioned something about a sickness in Terebinthia, which is why they requested her mother... When I tried to stop there with the Dawn Treader at the beginning of our voyage they would not let us dock. They were in the midst of a plague. So unfortunately, he wasn't lying."
Your face went white. "A PLAGUE? And they sent my mother there?"
"Did they say what kind of plague?" Your dad asked.
"No. Only that it had spread like wildfire in a matter of days. We found an uninhabited corner of the island to replenish our fresh water supply but we did not dare to venture into the city to learn more." Caspian answered darkly.
"It makes sense that they would have requested your mother." Your dad explained to you. "She is a rather gifted herbalist... they probably thought she could help rid them of it."
"We have no time to waste then. If it's been a year since she's been there... she might be..." You couldn't bring yourself to finish your sentence.
"If anyone could find a way to beat a plague, it's your mother." Your father put his hand on your shoulder reassuringly. "Terebinthia it is Captain, on your command."
You called out over the railing to hoist the anchor and furl the sails. "To Terebinthia with all haste!"

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