Chapter 24

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I decide to break my painful moment by talking to Astrope.

"Tell me Deigh is alive. Tell me Liam is alive."

"I would be lying if I did." She turns her body onto her belly, causing me to shakily get up not letting her crush me.

I stand trying to catch my breath once more. If someone saw me right now they would say that I look like a walking corpse, I smell like one too.

I begin limping to where I last saw Deigh.

Ast staying behind, probably too exhausted to move. I stumble over a rock, and fall on my hands and knees onto the ground. I stare at the ground for a minute, trying to understand what just happened, before roughly standing up again.

I continue tripping along the way, my body having no energy to keep me up right. I want to sleep so badly right now.

But I need to see him. I need to see Liam.

"Liam." I whisper out, leaning against a nearby tree. Giving myself a short break before continuing on.

As the grass begins to thin out I catch sight of Garrick, Imogen, Xaden, and Violet huddled around Deigh and Liam's bodies. Both lifeless.

"LIAM!" I scream, my pace slightly quickening as I limp down the hill where they are. Their heads all spin to me.

Garrick catches me as I almost fall again, but I push out of his arms and rush to Liam.

The tears never cease as I hold Liam's limp head in my arms.

"It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Liam. I was such a terrible friend." My tears fall onto his face. I don't care if anyone is watching.

"Hey, Em. Don't think like that it wasn't your fault." Garrick crouches down, and grabs my weeping face into his hands. A new long scar is visible on his face but I can't bring myself to ask about it.

"It is my fault, Garrick. I knew this was going to happen and I couldn't stop it." My guilt starts spilling out the truth.

"There is no way you could have known. Don't cry, please, Emma." He whispers my name at the end.

I shake my head. "No, you don't understand, Garrick. I knew Liam was going to die and nothing I did stopped Deigh from being killed."

"What do you mean you knew? And why did he just call you Emma?" Xaden eyes narrow at me. The rest of the faces around us were also curious.

He is probably one of the scariest people when they are mad. I would hate me too if I killed your brother.

"It's just a nickname." Garrick tries to cover for me.

"May has never had a nickname like that before." Violet cuts in, holding her wound.

"Yeah, you were staring at Liam this entire trip. Like you knew Liam was going to die." Imogen adds this time, looking at me. Her face not really showing much emotion.

"Stop targeting her like this. Can't you see that she is also suffering." Garrick glares at them.

"Then you tell us what she is hiding. What does she know that we don't?" Xaden now focusing on Garrick.

"That is none of your business." Garrick gets up from his crouched position. The two are now standing chests only a few inches apart.

"It is my business if it has to do with my brother's death!" Xaden shouts at Garrick, grabbing him by the collar.

The two begin to argue, fighting over the truth. I guess it's true when they say that the truth always reveals itself.

I stand up, gently placing Liam's head down.

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