Chapter 19

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Graduation happens to be in ten days which means that the second part of the War games happens during the party before graduation.

I've been trying my best to prepare for the second part, gathering whatever weapons I could find. Anything that would give me a chance over the venin.

Another thought that worries me is that after graduation Garrick leaves with Xaden. While Violet and I are left at this torturous school.

I smooth out my form fitting black dress. I have to say, I do love it. I'm not a huge fan of skirts because the shirt usually has to be stuffed in.

It can be very uncomfortable and I'm glad I scored one of that last ones.

Dresses, on the hand, I adore, they make me feel more feminine.

The dress has long, sheer black puff sleeves with a square neckline. It hugs me until it flows out around my thighs, where a slit can be found on my right leg.

A sash crosses my dress from my left shoulder to my right hip.

I let my soft curls down, pinning only two strands of hair to the back.

I exist the room once I finish to meet Rhi outside.

"Rhi, you look so beautiful!" I exclaim, scanning her uniform.

She was wearing uniform pants and her hair was neatly done.

She was absolutely glowing.

"Aww, thanks, M. You look gorgeous as well. I love that you decided to leave your hair down for once." She smiles, glancing at my hair.

"Well, it is a special occasion. I have to look good."

"Or maybe you're trying to impress a certain someone." A smirk takes its form on her glowing face.

"Maybe—" I'm cut off by Violet exiting her room.

"You two are already done?" She questions closing the door.

"We just finished, we were admiring our outfits." I say beginning to walk down the hall.

She nods. "You do look hot."

"I heard there's going to be a mob of infantry guys there," Nadine says as she joins us.

"Don't you prefer a little brain with your brawn?" Ridoc slides right in, Sawyer at his side.

"You did not try to leave without me!" Liam shouts as he runs forward,
darting through the crowd as we move toward the staircase that leads to Basgiath's main campus.

"I was hoping you'd been given the night off," Violet answers as he puts himself between. "Don't you look handsome." I nod in agreement.

"I know." He preens sarcastically, straightening his sash over a midnight- black doublet. "I've heard healer cadets have a thing for riders."

"Hardly." Rhiannon laughs. "As often as they have to put us back together? I bet they're more into scribes."

"What are scribes into?" Liam asks Violet as we descend the stairs in a sea of black, taking the path we tread every morning toward the Archives. "Seeing as you were almost one of them?"

"Usually other scribes," Vi answers. "But I guess riders, in my father's case."

"I'm just excited to see some people who aren't riders," Ridoc says, holding open the door so we can pass through the tunnel.
"It's getting kind of incestuous around here."

"Agreed." Rhiannon nods.

"Oh, whatever. You and Tara have been on again, off again all year," Nadine says, then blanches. "Shit. Are you off again?"

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