Chapter 14

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Eight years and four months ago...

I enter the gala, glass chandeliers line the intricate ceiling of the room.

A large staircase spirals leading up to the second floor. I gawk at how beautiful the room is, my lilac purple dress bouncing up and down as I follow my parents.

It's been two years since I came to this world and it never stops amazing me. My parents have been going to multiple parties lately and for some reason they wanted to drag me along. They said it was formality.

This party, however, takes place in the soon to be destroyed city of Aretia.

It's sad that this beautiful building will be destroyed in a couple years.

"Pearl, your father needs to talk to some important people. Do you want to go to the lounge while we take care of business or do you want to come with us?" My mom turns around to ask me. My father just scans the area right next to her.

"I'll go to the lounge, I'll be fine by myself." I look up at her, my twelve year old body not quite reaching her yet.

She nods. "Okay, we'll be by the tables if you need us." They both turn around and head towards the tables, left of the staircase.

This always happens, I don't understand why they don't leave me at home. The lounges at these parties are always so boring, the snobby girls just want to talk about guys or insult someone.

Instead I head upstairs, towards a balcony on the left side. I slowly open the door looking around to see if there is anyone there.

Once the coast is clear, I walk towards the railing. I lean up against it and look down at the floral courtyard below.

The flowers gleam in the moonlight.

I lean further trying to get a better look.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice startles me. I quickly spin around, my hair whips my back.

A small flower that was braided into my hair falls from the half down-half up style that Margret, my maid, did for me.

I see a young boy about fifteen or sixteen. His dark hair, neatly arranged with eyes that shone in the starlight.

His back is leaning against the wall to the left of the door.

How did I not see him?

"I was just looking at the flowers." I tell him, narrowing my eyes at him as he pushes off the wall and walks to the railing. He leans his arms against the rail just left of me and looks down.

"You know you can go downstairs to get a better view. A kid like you shouldn't be alone or you'll fall."

How dare he call me a kid? I'm most likely older than him, at least my soul is.

I glare at him. "Who are you calling a kid? I'm a very careful person and I don't need you to tell me that I'm not. And besides you can see the stars better from up here."

I look away from his face towards the sky.

"You like the stars?" He questions glancing at me.

"Yes! Who wouldn't? Especially the shooting stars, those are extra special. They can make wishes come true."

"Wishes, huh?" He looks up.

"Mmmh. You just have to wait a little. Because it's spring time there aren't as many clouds so you can spot one easier."

"Aren't you smart?" He chuckles. "Is that one?" He points towards the sky as a streak makes its way down before disappearing.

Celestial: Garrick TavisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon