Renaissance - Prologue

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So it seemed the story of the greatest beings to ever walk the multiverse was over. At least that's what they wanted you to think, dear reader.

At least, that's what they thought. They knew they only had one shot at this, and they had to get it right. The false sense of security they'd lulled the hermits into with that pathetic excuse for a fight would be their downfall. So long as they listened, it would all go to plan.

It's like reaching into complete darkness, searching for that fragile string of a soul. For a moment they thought they'd taken too long and they were truly gone. But then they felt themselves snag on something and they knew it would be okay. Bringing a soul back is like stitching together a hole in a cloth, pulling the needle through the thread to piece a life back together. It was so incredibly draining, even if they could they wouldn't wish to do this again. It's almost more kind and humane to leave them for dead.

They understood all they had ever been was the safety net to fall back on. They were expendable, the moment their purpose was used they of no use anymore. Yet that was the risk they took, for without them they had no purpose. They dreamed of visions of respect and power, different to him before them. They wished to serve and obeyed willingly, not at all like him.

But they knew none of that would ever be theirs. As much as the idea tempted them, they both had friends, lives they valued. This would be the first and final time they ever saw they who commanded them. They knew it was wrong, but the fear of not doing it was too great. The fragile promise of protection of their friends was too great to risk losing. If they did not do it then others would.

Guilt was extreme, they knew what they were doing to their old friends. But they had to make the sacrifice, for the sake of their new friends. They knew what happened to most of them, and that they were lucky to be alive. They remembered what happened all too well, and how they'd tried to hide for years. But they were always there, always watching. Never could they escape.

And so they agreed to their demands, if only for them to leave them alone. In the event that they die, they would bring them back. They had thought this would never happen, that they would be safe for the rest of their lifetime. For a being as old as them, a human life is but a mere ten minutes. There would be others like them.

But those others would never be free, just like they had never been. He who had joined them tried his best but now he would return to them. All of them, every single one couldn't even begin to understand the power they were trifling with. The ability to rip apart the fabric of reality is not something to be messed with. Power beyond the imagination of any mortal, even those who possessed it didn't know what they were truly capable of.

He who ran away was right in thinking it seemed to easy. It was far too easy, for everything that happened only went according to their plan. As everything in the multiverse, it runs how they wish and by what suits them. Hermitcraft meant nothing to them, they had far bigger plans. Plans they would help them achieve with a simple command. They knew they may bring about the end of the world, or perhaps fix it. It was a risk they had to take.

And so Mini Muka and Netty Plays, the only other surviving Listeners, stared each other in the eye one final time, bidding each other goodbye for the rest of time as the Watchers began to wake. It was over.

They would never meet again.

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