New Beginnings

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Here's a few server headcannons before we start.
- One session equals a week
- When the boogeyman kills they gain 2 days
- When a red or yellow kills they gain 1.5 days
- When someone dies to the boogeyman they lose 4 days
- When someone dies nornally they lose 2 days. This roughly equates to an hour


"Are we ready?" I gazed around the circle, "right, off we go". I took a deep breath, turning around. It was time. Time for another life series.

It was time for a new start, one without the Watchers unfair game rules and ruthless hunger for pain and heartache. This time it was supposed to be fun and joyful, merely a nice activity rather than the bitter fight to the death. It had been six months since everything went down so we felt we were ready to move on. Despite these new rules, memories of last time remained unchanged. Or rather, lack of memories. I pitied Pearl, who I'm sure remembered the last death match the Watchers had put us through better than anyone.

Just how I remembered Third Life so vividly.

I glanced behind me. Most people had already dispersed. A couple people still lingered, scouring the spawn area for resources. I sighed, turning away. I didn't want to ally with anyone just yet. I preferred to go off on my own and get geared up first. I squinted, looking into the distance. Is that..? It couldn't be.

It was indeed. A woodland mansion, towering over the treetops. What were the odds of that? I realised it may actually be a good idea to raid it at some point. I just needed gear first so the mobs didn't kill me. And I had to be quick of course, as other people would surely have the same idea. They weren't stupid, we all knew the valuable gear and loot that resides in those mansions.

"Later, idiot!" Joel suddenly sped past me, bolting in the direction of the mansion.

"Joel, wait!" Timmy ran past, heaving for breath. Both of them disappeared down the slope, jumping into the river without hesitation. I watched them go with a giggle. I shook my head in amusement. It always starts out so fun.

Even with the Watchers gone I had a feeling this wouldn't be completely peaceful.


In the end, I followed them. Well, not really. I just crossed the river as well to find supplies. I wiped a sweaty brow, looking at the tree I'd just chopped down. I rested my stone axe against the trunk, sitting down on the grass. I leant back against it, gasping for air. My lungs felt like they were about to burst, making me extremely conscious of my dry throat.

"Want some water?" Scar suddenly appeared with Cleo and Bdubs, holding a canteen of water. It was like the thought had summoned them, and maybe it had it was so lucky.

"Thanks" I took the canteen gratefully, gulping the cool liquid down. I passed it back to Scar, wiping my mouth. Water had never tasted so good.

"Has the boogeyman been chosen yet?" Bdubs asked me. At that moment, a loud burst of thunder cracked. I looked down at my communicator to see a new notification. The message blared at me, unavoidable as it stared me directly in the eye.

Boogeyman will be chosen in 5 minutes.

I'd nearly forgotten about the boogeyman. Some of us had voted against having it but most said it made for more excitement and suspense. I for one didn't like it one bit. It was just another harsh reminder of one of the tactics the Watchers used in an attempt to rip us apart. The boogeyman existed only for hurt and betrayal, it caused more rifts in friendships than being a red life ever did.

"I think that answers your question" I said dryly, "I wonder who it'll be". It was a question I really didn't want to find out the answer to. As long as I wasn't the boogeyman or I wasn't killed by the boogeyman, I was happy.

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