Chapter 41

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Kimbra Wulfe stared at her phone screen, wondering what the hell she had just read. At three in the morning, her phone went off. It was the middle of summer, and the current heatwave had already made her cranky. Being woken up this early wasn't helping her mood either.

River: What dating app do you think is better??? Bumble or Tinder?

It took a beat for her to absorb the question. She didn't reply for several minutes. Unsure of what to even say to that .

Kimbra: It's three in the morning

River: Just answer the question

She put a hand over her face, as if she had a headache. Typed out another reply to the feline.

Kimbra: I don't know?? I don't use dating apps so ask someone else??? Gnite

River: Gnite???? What are you a preteen???

Kimbra: I'm going to bed GNITE

A text bubble of ... popped up. Going on for what felt like several minutes. Kimbra narrowed her blue eyes at the screen, wondering what the cat could possibly be typing. Grew tired of waiting and set her phone back down on the nightstand. Rolled over onto her side, squeezing her eyes shut. Hoping she'd be able to gain a few more hours of sleep before she had to go into work.


Finally, another message from River came through. She didn't even want to bother checking it this time. Part of her wanted to send the fashion design a few harsh texts, but she pushed that thought aside. Tell him to take his money and find some other project to sponsor.

She really couldn't wait for the Wellings project to come to an end.


Everything should have been fine. And it had been for the most part that day. Working in an office, relatively similar to any other office. It had been quiet for most of the day, save for the sound of fingers clacking away at a keyboard. Stacks on stacks of paperwork to sign and file. All in all, a day like any other.

Today should have been fine.

But then it happened.

Ten o'clock at night.

That's when all hell broke loose. It started with a phone call that awoke the scientist. Urgent enough to force her out of bed in her pajamas and out the door. By the time Kimbra had arrived at Echo Hills, the entire area had been set ablaze. The clear starry night was largely obscured by billowing smoke.

Kimbra was so stunned, it took her a moment to convince herself it was really happening. Unmistakable horror colored her expression.

No, no, no. This was not happening. Why were the hills on fire? Why were the wind turbines burning?

Two SCFD fire engines were already on scene, busy shooting powerful jets of water to extinguish the flames. A tall, broad, dalmatian with a name tag Jesse pinned to his coat, had been barking out orders to the men. They worked swiftly to keep the flames from spreading into the surrounding fields.

God-damn it.

Watching it all made Kimbra's stomach twist like a wrung-out rag. She let her chest softly rise and fall as she tried to make sense of the situation.

A few of the wind turbines were finally set up a few days ago. Things had been going according to plan. But now here they were, engulfed in flames. One had completely folded in on itself, possibly what had sparked the fire to spread throughout the hills. Something about it didn't sit right with the scientist.

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