Chapter 25

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And this is the final chapter of book one of EIB. Chapter 26 and book two will start after a small hiatus. Thank you for reading my little story so far and supporting me!


 And with a faint taste of cigarettes you write hallelujah songs

Ain't it wonderful feeling alright

So I tickle up your backbone

And at the break of day you sink into a dream, you dreamer

And at the break of day you sink into a dream, you dreamer

You dreamer, dreamer

Oh, you dreamer

- Dreamer by Jenn Grant

Kimbra knew she should have been happy, overjoyed . C.O.R.E, her life's work had been completed. The sponsorship with the Sparkling Crystal Pure Flud Water came to an end. She and Bud could finally part ways, never having to see one another ever again.

You dreamer, you dreamer

You dreamer, you dreamer

You dreamer, you dreamer

You dreamer, you dreamer

But Kimbra didn't want it to end. She didn't want to part ways. Maybe it was silly to grow so attached to a person.

On a date by a chocolate lake, down by the rotary

Past town at the edge, looking down at butterflies

So, the canine stood in the middle of the EcoTech lobby, hoping and wishing for something out of her grasp. All the laughter and sounds of the celebration party for the project sounded like someone had turned it way down.

Any sense of achievement felt hollow.

She didn't like parties or all the attention. The scientist wanted to be at home in her bed, sulking like a child. Instead, she had to be here, giving out handshakes and thank-yous.

And at the break of day you sink into a dream, you dreamer

And at the break of day you sink into a dream, you dreamer

You dreamer

You dreamer, you dreamer

On the sidelines were her project team with their families. Drinking far too much and acting like they had found the cure for a stubborn disease. She didn't scold them, they deserved at least one night for all their hard work.

Leslie excitedly explained the project to her girlfriend, Marie? Maria? Kimbra couldn't remember the fox's name. They had only started dating recently. The lab boys were being morons as usual. Craig and Julien were daring each other to see who could fit the most cupcakes in their mouth without choking.

And Neil and his wife were so in love, and it made Kimbra feel bittersweet.

Dammit, she wanted her own happily ever after. She deserved that. Sure, she thought she had that with Derek. And that one guy she met at a bar whose name she can't remember. Or the one fellow that worked over at the St. Canard Library. And then Ross Spector. But she vowed to be done with the journey of finding love. It's a waste of time, she had herself, and that was more than enough.

Kimbra looked over to Bud, who laughed loudly at one of Dr. Ainsley's stories.

She had found him revolting. A disgrace to modern science. A sleazy, selfish, capitalist who cared about no one but himself. A pompous ass who thought he knew everything. A con man. A fool. A self-centered, arrogant man. Just another slimy capitalist.

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