Chapter 19

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Kimbra never wanted anything in her life like she wanted him now. He was obvious about it. Obvious about the fact, she wanted him to press his mouth against hers. Obvious that she wanted to be the only one that occupied his mind. To have his arms around her waist, him whispering soft words into her ear. Make her feel like she's the only one who ever mattered to him.

Is that so much to ask?

Kimbra covered her mouth with both hands, in disbelief of what her mind was saying.

Oh god, what was he going to think of her now? Ugh...I shouldn't think that or, heaven forbid, say it out loud.

She felt tortured by the jittery feeling in her stomach. How he stood a little too close, yet not nearly close enough.

Am I a mess or what?

He's just your sponsor.

You know he's a hell of a lot more to you than just a sponsor.

It felt wrong not to tell him. The signs were there long before anyone started paying attention to them.

But the timing was all wrong.

Dammit, he deserved to know. She deserved to get this weight off her chest.

So, what did she have to lose? Her dignity, maybe.

Regardless of how she felt towards Bud, she attempted to keep their relationship strictly professional. It doesn't matter what I want. This project is more important.

"Are we really going to this thing together?" Bud suddenly called out from the living room, waiting for her.

The so-called 'thing' was a small dinner party hosted by the city for business owners. Dr. Ainsley, as always, made her go in his place. His excuse this time was that he had a cold. She didn't mind suffering for her boss. He'd been bored to death at the event. Asking Bud to go with her made her feel less anxious about having to socially interact with a crowd. Having someone close by she knew would be comforting.

"Yeah." Kimbra responded, looking through her clothes, trying to find something to wear.

"Alright." If he was happy about her response, he certainly didn't let it show in his voice.

He doesn't want to go with you.

She began to regret asking him to come with her. The entire night, she'll either be aggravated due to his antics or flustered because she loves him and hasn't admitted it out loud yet.

An overly complicated and stressful situation.

Once Kimbra pulled two dark purple dresses out of the closet, she called out to Bud. "Come here."

A silent beat. She almost didn't think he'd answer. Or that he had left.


"I need your opinion on something."

His heavy footsteps echoed down the hall and into the bedroom. Kimbra tried not to smile as she heard a small huff escape his mouth.


She gave a broad gesture to her dress of choice. "This one?" Then she held the other garment against her chest. "Or this one?"

The hound frowned. "They're the same color."

"No they aren't."

"They are ."

She gave him a pointed look and held the right one up. "This one is darker!"

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