Chapter 1

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"Sir, please." Kimbra pleaded as she accompanied her elderly boss down a lengthy corridor.

Despite the man's old age, Kimbra found it challenging to keep up with his pace. She maintained a brisk walk, almost a jog, to remain close behind. The sounds of her black high heels clicking against the white tile floor echoed off the walls. Her lab coat brushed against her legs as she continued walking.

Kimbra Wulfe lived and breathed science. Ever since she was a young pup, the world around her filled her with awe and wonder.

That's why she worked for EcoTech. The leader in modern technology (or at least they consider themselves as such).

Dr. Ainsley, a green reptilian creature, established the company over forty years ago. EcoTech's purpose was to produce eco-friendly tech—to help the environment—and most important of all; to serve those in need. Kimbra admired that the doctor spent so much of his time and wealth into EcoTech's cause. He never married nor had children, so he preoccupied his days with work.

Kimbra wished she could be more like him. Someone smart and successful who expressed no regards to those who doubted them. All she ever did was doubt herself and make endless mistakes.

Rookie mistakes.

The mistakes that risked the lives of those around you. The mistake of almost mixing chlorine trifluoride with water because you rushed to finish cleaning the semiconductors. It was only her first month at the company, but Kimbra should have known better.

Dr. Ainsley caught it and merely laughed the incident off. He became Kimbra's mentor when she started interning at EcoTech during her last year of university. She often fought for his approval, grasping at any form of validation she could obtain. The young science-lover lived solely for her job.

She was pathetic.

Other EcoTech employees pushed their way through the crowding hallway, struggling to return to their respective workspaces. Chaos ensured as new projects were being introduced during the next several hours.

One of those many projects was Kimbra's—her entire life work.

After so many years of late nights and overtime, the scientist had her project accepted by the company's administration. The same group that sought to deny her promotion last year. She suspected Dr. Ainsley chose her side back then, insisting that the administrators grant her the job. EcoTech higher-ups always had it out for her. No matter how hard she worked, how many wonderful ideas she offered them, they were dissatisfied with her. Her peers always found success easier and swifter, yet it took her ages for her project to be recognized.

She never figured out why. Their treatment towards her seemed needlessly cruel.

It wasn't fair.

On another depressing note, Kimbra could not choose her sponsor. All of EcoTech's projects had to be funded by an individual or corporation, as EcoTech couldn't cover the full cost. Kimbra thought it was unfair. They deserved the right to appoint their own sponsors. The administration refused to listen to her, only brushing her off as usual.

Kimbra hoped Dr. Ainsley would hear her out. This sponsor is what could make or break the project for her. A terrible choice may turn C.O.R.E into a sheer disaster.

And just another one of Kimbra's many mistakes.

"Sir, please..." She hurried to his side, matching his pace. "Let me choose the sponsor for C.O.R.E."

Dr. Ainsley waved his scaly hand, brushing off the scientist as he unexpectedly stopped in front of the conference chamber. "Kimbra, I told you several times, we are doing this by the book as we always do."

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