Chapter 16

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The world is a terrible place, filled with terrible people. Now she knew that people were flawed. People make mistakes. No one is perfect.

But Bud freaking Flud had to be the worst person on the entire planet.

I can't believe you let me down.

Kimbra stood at the main entrance of the banquet hall. The room had a large array of windows, which were being overrun by untrimmed vines. She felt eyes on her as soon as she walked through the door. She was never good with meet-ups or gatherings. It just wasn't her thing. The dark blue dress hung off her figure gracefully, but right now, she would rather be in sweatpants and a tank top, in her bed.

No one knew how this night would go. It could be dreadfully boring. She might end up dying of boredom by the end of this. Or it could go well, be fun even.

I doubt it'll be fun.

She watched as even more people began to filter in. Each one awed by the elegance of the banquet hall. The way the lights made the crystal chandeliers glitter. The large bookcase in the front hallway, filled with novels and journals. Nobody here would read them; the books are for decoration.

Her eyes swept over the room, watching people enjoy themselves. If only she could live her life like that. Carefree. Not worrying about deadlines or getting shut down by the city council over experiments and projects.

Before she could stop herself, her eyes met his. Even from this distance, Kimbra could feel his coldness.

What the hell is he here for?

Bud Flud, owner of the Sparkling Crystal Pure Flud Water company. The sponsor for the C.O.R.E project. That's all he was to her. Nothing more.

Of course , he would be there. To torment her further. He was always there, whether she liked it or not. It had been a while since they'd actually spent any real time together. She kept avoiding him at work, considering what Ross had told her.

People don't change, they just pretend to change.

Every once in a while she heard those words again.

'Now, at first, I thought this whole idea was silly. I almost laughed when Dr. Wulfe presented it all those months ago. It seemed absolutely ridiculous and impossible.'

She still couldn't believe Bud said that about her in front of all those people. She wanted to march over to him at this very moment and go off on him. But her words would be used against her if she did speak. The water salesman would just make another public jab at her, humiliating her further.

Never show any weakness.

Putting distance between them was probably the best idea. It would make everything a lot easier.

Lucky for her, Dr. Ainsley distracted her temporarily from that whole ordeal.

Only temporarily.

"Kimbra! Glad you could make it," the elderly man said, taking her hand and giving it a brief shake. Like everyone else there, Dr. Ainsley dressed formally.

"Good evening sir." She faked a smile as she greeted her boss. "I thought you didn't like big social events."

Because I sure don't either.

"Well, I thought, hell, gotta get out of the house sometimes." A thin, amused smile played on Ainsley's lips. "I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. I'm sure you prefer not to spend the entire night being bothered by an old man."

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