Chapter 22

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The start of December called for a large conference meeting. The final one of the year. After this, Kimbra didn't have to worry about meetings or parties until late May.

No more awkward social events or having to fake a smile. Just a long vacation and then back to science.

But today she'd have to endure dozens of handshakes and fake smiles. Suck up to a few wealthy morons who thought they knew better than her.

Only for today.

In better news, St. Canard had been hit by an unusually severe ice storm last night. Most of the citizens of St. Canard despised it.

But Kimbra was overjoyed by it.

Inches of white powder had to be plowed by the city's large equipment. Kids ran through it at a nearby park, hurling balls of snow at one another. Adults grumbled as they trekked through it on their way to work. That was about as exciting as it got around here.

Well, except for watching Bud almost slip on the ice patches that were scattered across the sidewalk. The city did a poor job of preparing for the winter storm. They didn't have enough ice melt for all the sidewalks, so various areas were still frozen over. Kimbra walked closely by the salesman's side, making sure he didn't slip and ended up injuring himself. She'd never hear the end of it if he did.

Her steps had to be much quicker than his to keep up with his long legs. She'd sneak a glance his way every now and then, noting his expression full of misery and frustration.

With a deep breath of the frigid air, Bud eventually sighed as he wrapped his coat tighter around himself. "Oh my god, why do we live here?"

"Weren't you born here?"

The hound jerked, not expecting a response to his complaint, then looked at her. "Yeah, I was."

"Are you not used to the cold yet?"

There was an infuriating pause.


"St. Canard always has rough winters, you should be used to this."

"We also have scorching summers, but you aren't used to that yet now are you?"

A fair point.

" Hey , I am built for below freezing temperatures. It's in my DNA."

"And I'm built for nice sunny days," he gave Kimbra a sidelong look. "Not this crap."

"I'm sure you'll just freeze yourself to death then." Her voice was thick with sarcasm. Bud didn't respond, so Kimbra kept talking. "You'll be fine. We're almost there. It's not my fault we had to park so far away."

Bud had actually parked close to the conference hall, but they had time to spare, so Kimbra picked him up, and they had a quick coffee together. By the time they got back, all the parking was filled. She had to park a few blocks down, earning a few grumbles from the hound.

A grunt. "I can see my breath, that can't be normal." Bud declared with disgust.

"Bud, it's normal."

"Oh god, why is it so cold?"

"Do you really need an explanation?"

"I just want this season to be over with." His jaw clamped shut, frustrated over having to push through the snow-covered sidewalk, in the bitter cold.

"It'll be warm inside the conference building, you big baby."

"Not warm enough."

"I have an idea then."

Everything Is BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora