A Well Deserved Congratulations

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As Detective Tsukauchi and the rest of the officers were taking the cheaters, the traitors, Monoma, Katherine and her goons to their cars and Marinette/Ladybug made the fishnet got back into her yo-yo everyone in the school that was in hiding came out knowing that it was safe to do so started booing at the villains and calling them "monsters." "crazy." "pure evil." "assholes." "delusional." "heartless." "insane." and "fucking good for nothing villain scum." But the villains all just glared at the ground as the police kept taking towards their cars. But when Alya looked up at a tree she saw The Mare Bay Times Bloggers becoming visible and smirking at her as they showed that they recorded the entire thing implicating that they were gonna post it on their blog.

Alya screamed and tried to escape from the officers grasp to attack them but the two officers that had her just made their grip on her even tighter as they put her and the other villains into ther police cars. When they all looked out their window and saw the group of heroes glaring at them the cheaters and traitors gave Marinette, her friends from Paris, the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu one last pleading look and Monoma, Lila, Adrien, Katherine and her goons just glared at them back. But Marinette, her friends from Paris, the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu just glared at them even more which made the cheaters and the traitors just sigh in sadness and look down and Monoma, Lila, Adrien, Katherine and her goons just looked away and glared as they folded their arm across their chests as the police cars drove away taking them all to jail.

As soon as they were gone everyone clapped and cheered at the group of heroes that had rescued them all. Marinette, her friends from Paris, their classmates, Class 1-B, Shinso, Mei Hatsume, Varian, Mirio, Nejerie, Tamaki, Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, All Might and Vlad King smiled thankfully at everyone and the former League Of Villains just stood there in shock and then slowly smiled at the cheering that was going towards them as well. They never had positivity towards them just like this before and honestly it felt very good.

The young heroes turned towards the former League Of Villains and smiled at them.

"Thank you for your help." they said in unison.

Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, All Might and Vlad King smiled and nodded gratefully to the former League Of Villains as a way to show gratitude towards them as well for helping out in defeating the villains.

"You're welcome." said the former League Of Villains with small smiles and nods.

Then they started walking away to Touya who came with the cops.

"Hey where are you going?" Sero asked.

"We're going back to the villain rehabilitation program." answered Shigiraki.

"Yes if we want to keep proving ourselves worthy enough for yours and the heroes trust we must keep bettering ourselves." Mr. Compress said.

"And trust us when we say that when we get out we will show you guys that trusting us and seeing the good in us wasn't a mistake." said Spinner.

The group of heroes smiled.

"We don't doubt that." they said in unison.

The former League Of Villains smiled and walked with Touya as he quickly gave the group of heroes a small smile especially Shoto implicating that he was very proud of his younger brother and led the former Leagu Of Villains back to the villain rehabilitation program.

"You all really are something." said Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, All Might and Vlad King proudly as they smiled at the group of young heroes.

"We learned from some amazing teachers." the young heroes said.

"Good teachers are made by good students." said Aizawa.

"Yes they are and you all are some of the best students that we ever had." Vlad King said.

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