News Report All Over The World

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The interview that Nadja gave the traitors at the entrance of the school literally broke out!!!!!!!!! Not only did it show on her news show at Paris after she aired it she it also aired in many other news shows in other countries!!!!!!! It was because the reveal was so huge, many people were drawn to the interview and nobody had a very positive view of the traitors that it took the entire world by storm. Million and million news stations had called Nadja to ask her if they can use the interview for their segments and she gave them permission cause she wanted them to be exposed for who they truly are. It was shown in a million news stations, shared on many websites and was also streamed in a million services!!!!!!!! Many people were disgusted and mad at the traitors even more now. It was because none of them even seemed apologetic for what they did to Marinette and her friends. They wre just looked like they were trying to look good and were making up bullshit excuese after excuese and the excuses weren't even good they just made them look even more stupid. They were also pissed off at Lila and Adrien cause of the nonchalant and mad looks on their faces meaning that they didn't even care about what they did and felt justified. And they also thought it was so funny when they tripped over the balls thrown by the group of kids and fell backwards into the trash cans that parody videos were made and became viral overnight and memes were also created.

It also reached a very popular news show in Musutafu and the shows main anchor named Daikaku Myagi. And the segment went something like this.

"Good morning everybody and my name is Daikaku Myagi. For today's exciting news as you all know the recent news broke out in a very well-known website about the number one hero in Paris France Ladybug and her friends were betrayed by their classmates, one of their teachers and the principal cause of a sadistic girl named Lila Rossi who claimed to have a fake disease named tinnitus, to know many celebrities such as Jagged Stone, Prince Ali, Clara Nightingale and many others and have connections all over the world but none of them were true. And when Ladybug now revealed to be a young lady known as Marinette Dupain-Chang and her friends tried to tell them that they were false Lila would put on crocodile tears and claim that they were bullying her which again was false but they believed her and kept their lives miserable. But now Marinette and her friends have all moved away from Paris and the truth has been revealed. Yesterday morning Paris's top reporter Nadja came over to interview them and many people had followed and gathered around outside the school building to give them some well-earned scolding and well see this stupidity for yourself." Daikaku said.

Back at UA High everyone at the school was in the common room watching the report on T.V and it just got the interview. And well nobody could believe that some people could be this stupid well except for Marinette, her friends from Paris and their kwamis who came out to watch it. The answers that they were giving so just so brain dead and dumb that they all believed that all just so delusional, they all very annoyed at Adrien and Lila's facial expressions, tone and that they felt that they had the audacity to throw a temper tantrum after what they had done. And they liked it when those assholes tripped and fell backwards into the trash cans.

Mei and Varian used an invention that they created to take pictures and download them to their phones to take a picture of the little brats the brain dead teachers in the trash cans so that they could show it to their families and possibly sneak it into the school yearbook so that they can show other students on what not to be when you train to become a hero, Sero, Denki and Dark Shadow who came out to watch it too were laughing their asses off at the stupid answers the traitors were giving Nadja, that they were getting humiliated just they humiliated Marinette and her friends from Paris and that they fell into the trash cans and the rest were just grinning.

Tears of laughter gushed out of Sero and Denki's eyes and Sero clutched his stomach with one of his hands while they were watching the last bit of the news report.

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