A Hearbreaking Betrayal Of Love

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Meanwhile at Japan their stood a prestigious high school known as UA High. It was a school where teenagers who want to become heroes can go and get trained by some of the best heroes in the city to become the next top heroes. It also used to only have people that have powers called quirks attending and people that were quirkless that wanted to become heroes were bullied and tortured by other kids who had quirks and even one middle school known as Aldera Junior High actually encouraged it. But then laws were put in effect to protect those that were quirkless and it was proven that their were quirkless heroes all around the world so now UA was accepting quirkless children into their school and Aldera Junior High was shut down due to negligence and discrimination along with the staff and principal were arrested for allowing it to happen and covering it up. Anyway it was a normal day in UA High when a group of boys were walking back to school from hanging out in the park playing basketball and then getting ice cream afterwards since they decided to have a guys day while the girls in their school decided to have a girls day shopping at the mall. They were the top class known as Class 1-A. The boys walking in were known as Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirashima, Fumikage Tokoyami, Koji Koda, Mezo Shoji, Hanta Sero, Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Denki Kaminari, Rikkido Sato and two of the new students in the class known as Mistoffelees (from CATS the 1998 version.) and Pouncival (from CATS the 1998 version.) Izuku, Bakugo, Shoto, Iida, Kirashima, Tokoyami, Koda, Shoji, Sero, Aoyama, Ojiro, Denki and Sato along with alot of their female classmates knew each other since childhood and swore that when they get old enough they would all go to UA together. They also defended those that were quirkless and those that were unfairly dubbed as having villain quirks from bullies and told them that they can be heroes as well (In this universe Bakugo was never a bully and is nice.) including this one girl who was quirkless that they all knew and were friends with but sadly moved which they hoped to see her again one day. Right now they all felt very lucky. They were in the top hero academy, they were very well liked and respected, they all had their heroes licenses, more and more people with many different types of quirks and quirkless people were getting into the school and to top it all off all the 1-A guys (except for Mistoffelees and Pouncival.) were dating the girls from Class 1-B and  two of the 1-A girls were dating two of the boys from 1-B. How more lucky could they get? Anyway as the guys were walking back Izuku was talking about something his mom Inko said. "My mom told me that their was going to be a surprise for us tomorrow." he said. "Really?" asked Iida. "Yeah." Izuku said. "Well what do you think it is?" asked Kirashima. Izuku shrugged. "I don't know but she says that it's something that we've been really wanting for a long time and that it's gonna make us really happy." Izuku answered. "Well whatever it is I'm sure that it's gonna be awesome." said Denki with a smile. "Me too." Sato said. The others nodded in agreement. "Hey guys Pouncival and me wanted to say thank you for inviting us to your guys day and the girls for inviting our friends to their girls day." said Mistoffelees. "Yeah we really appreciate it." Pouncival said. "You're welcome guys." said Tokoyami with a kind smile. "Yeah we always make sure that the new students feel welcome." Shoji said kindly. Koda smiled shyly and nodded. Mistoffelees and Pouncival smiled. "And this is why everybody likes you and the girls." they thought. But then they both noticed that the others looked very worried for some reason. "Hey are you okay?" they asked concerningly.  "Have you noticed that Kendo has been distant lately?" asked Izuku. "Yeah Camie has been acting weird too." Bakugo said. "Saiko too." said Shoto. "Sen (female version of Sen Kaibara.) has been acting odd too." Iida said with a raised eyebrow.   Yeah I've noticed Tetsa (female version of Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu) been acting kinda weird too." Kirashima said. "I've been noticing Iibara has been acting peculiar as well." said Tokoyami as he put is fingers on his chin and also raised an eyebrow. "Yeah Pony too." Koda said. "Tsuburabba (female version of Kosei Tsuburabba.) has been acting strange too." said Shoji. "Same with Kinoko." Sero said. "Oui mon ami Rin (female version of Hiryu Rin) has also been distant from me." Aoyama said. "So has Setsuna." said Denki. "Yui too." Ojiro said.  "I can't figure out what's been going on with Reiko but she's been acting different too." Sato said. "You know now that we think about it the 1-B girls have been acting kind of weird towards you guys." said Pouncival. "Yeah I've noticed it too what do you guys think it could be?" Mistoffelees asked. "We don't know we're gonna talk to them." answered Sero. "Do you guys want us to come with you?" Mistoffelees and Pouncival asked. "No it's fine." said Kirashima with a reassuring smile. "Yeah don' worry about it." Bakugo said. Mistoffelees and Pouncival nodded and the guys finally made it inside the school. "GUYS GUYS!" some voices yelled. The 1-A boys turned around and saw the 1-A girls known as Ochako Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Toru Hakagure, Kyoka Jirou, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Himiko Toga and the other three new students in their class Katie (cat OC version of myself.), Mistoffelees's girlfriend Victoria (from CATS the 1998 version.) and Jemima (from CATS the 1998 version.) running towards them. They also noticed Momo and Tsu were crying. The 1-A boys ran towards them and Shoto hugged Momo and Tokoyami hugged Tsu while both girls were crying as they both viewed them as sisters. "Girls what's wrong?" asked Izuku "Yeah you look like you've seen a ghost!" Denki exclaimed. "Shhhhh Momo it's ok look at me." said Shoto soothingly as he rubbed her back. "Shhhhh there there Tsu look at me." Tokoyami said as he rubbed her back. Momo and Tsu got let go of the boys wiped their tears. "Now tell us what's wrong?"  asked Shoto. "Yeah what's troubling you and the other girls?" Tokoyami asked. "Well we we just got back from our girls day and went to put our new stuff away in our dorms." answered Momo. "And when we were done we heard some noises coming from the Class 1-B dorms." said Tsu. "And well when we got there we saw..........." Uraraka started. "Saw what?" asked the 1-A guys. "Well you're gonna have to see for yourselves." Kyoka said. "Yeah it's probably best if we show you." said Himiko as she rubbed the back of her neck. The 1-A guys tilted their heads and raised their eyebrows in confusion but followed them to the 1-B dorms. Shoto and Tokoyami each had an arm wrapped around Momo and Tsu as they noticed that they were shaking and crying but as they got  to the 1-B dorms the girls took the their arms off them. Shoto and Tokoyami looked at them in confusion. "We're here." Momo and Tsu said sadly as they pointed to a door. Shoto and Tokoyami looked at each and then gently patted Momo and Tsu's shoulders and walked to the other guys. "You're gonna need to be comforted to." thought Momo and Tsu. As the entire group got closer they all heard moaning. The 1-A guys looked confused, Uraraka, Hakagure, Kyoka, Mina, Himiko, Katie, Victoria and Jemima looked mad as they clenched their fists and Momo and Tsu's eyes filled up with tears not just for themselves but for what the guys were gonna see. As soon as opened the door the 1-A guys quietly gasped at what they saw and it broke their hearts. They saw their girlfriends cheating on them!!!!!!!!! What they also noticed was Kendo was cheating on Izuku with Neito Monona, a guy in Class 1-B who hated Class 1-A with a flaming passion cause he was jealous of them and to add insult to injury Saiko was cheating on Shoto with Momo's boyfriend Yosetsu Awase and Ibarra was Tokoyami with Tsu's boyfriend Shihai Kuroiro!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other guys that the 1-B girls were cheating on their boyfriends with they all knew weren't from their school, probably some random guys they met in the street. Class 1-A immediately and angrily barged in the room. "ITSUKA KENDO HOW COULD YOU?!!!!!!!!!" Izuku yelled. "CAMIE UTSUSHIMI WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!!!!!!!!! yelled Bakugo. "SAIKO INTELLI WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!" Shoto yelled. "SEN KAIBARA HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!" yelled Iida. "TETSATETSA TETSATETSA YOU UNMALY BITCH WHY WOULD YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK?!!!!!!!"  Kirashima yelled. "IBARRA SHIOZAKI WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!!!!!!!!!" yelled Tokoyami as Dark Shadow came from behind him glaring at Ibarra. "PONY TSUNOTORI WHY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Koda yelled. "KOSEI TSUBURABBA WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!!!!!!" yelled Shoji. "KINOKO KOMORI YOU LYING BITCH HOW COULD YOU?!!!!!!!!!" Sero yelled. "HIRYU RIN WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!!!!!! yelled Aoyama. "YUI KODAI HOW COULD YOU HAVE DONE THIS?!!!!!!!!" Ojiro yelled. "SETSUNA TOKAGE WHAT ARE DOING?!!!!!!!! yelled Denki. "REIKO YANAGI WHY ARE DOING THIS TO ME!!!!!!!" Sato yelled. "YOSETSU AWASE YOU DIRTY LIAR?!!!!!!! yelled Momo. "SHIHAI KUROIRO HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU SCUMBAG?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tsu yelled. The 1-B girls, Monoma, Awase, Kuroiro and the random guys stopped what they were doing, looked up and gasped when they saw Class 1-A looking at them while the 1-A guys, Momo and Tsu had tears in their eyes. They all immediately started to put their clothes on. "Izuku please listen to me........" said Kendo nervously. "Bakubabe I can explain........" Camie said nervously. "Shoto honey........" said Saiko nervously. "Iida listen please this is not what it looks like......." Sen said nervously. "Kiribabe listen to me I was just........" Tetsa said nervously. "Toko sweetheart let me explain........" said Ibarra said nervously. "Koda sweetie I..........." Pony said nervously "Shoji I swear I........" said Tsuburabba nervously. "Sero sweetie I........." Kinoko said nervously.  "Aoyama listen I was just......." said Rin nervously. "Ojiro baby listen to me please............" Yui said nervously. "Denki look I swear........" said Setsuna nervously. "Sato honey let me explain........" Reiko said. "Momo babe I was........" said Awase nervously. "Tsu darling please......." Kurorio said nervously. "SHUT UP WE DON'T HEAR IT!!!!!!!!!" yelled Class 1-A. The random guys got wide-eyed as they saw finished getting dressed and realizing that they were caught having sex with the 1-A guys girlfriends immediately started to bolt it out of there. "Oh oh oh oh oh oh shit!!!!!!!!!!!" they yelled as they ran away. The 1-B girls, Awase and Kuroiro were apologizing and begging to their significant others Monoma just sat there on the  smiling smugly knowing that he hurt Izuku but didn't care. "How could you do this to us?!!!!!!!" yelled Izuku tearfully. "Yeah what is the matter with you filthy sluts?!!!!!!!!" Bakugo yelled tearfully. "We did everything for you and this is how you repay us by going behind our backs?!!!!!!! yelled Shoji tearfully. "How could you do this to us?!!!!!! Ojiro yelled tearfully. "Well we were just sexually frustrated and had needs!!!!!!!!" begged Kendo. "I get sexually frustrated but I take out on my boyfriend!!!!!!!!" Victoria yelled. "Seriously what is wrong with you?!!!!!!!" yelled Jemima. "Yeah we can't believe that you would do this to them!!!!!!!" Katie yelled. "You make me sick!!!!!!!!" yelled Mistoffelees and Pouncival. "After everything they did for you and this how you thank them?!!!!!!!!" Hakagure yelled. "This is one tea that I do not like knowing about I can't believe that you hurt them like this?!!!!!!!!" yelled Mina. "Yeah you good for nothing assholes!!!!!!!!" Uraraka, Kyoka and Himiko yelled. Awase and Kuroriro tried to get close to Momo and Tsu while begging the two girls to listen to them but the girls just kept walking away from them. The Awase and Kuroiro were starting to get very aggressive as they tried to get closer but luckily Class 1-A got in front of them. "STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!!!!!" they yelled as Shoto wrapped his arms protectively around Momo and Tokoyami did the same for Tsu ad Dark Shadow shielded both them. "Awase we warned not to break Momo's heart, I swear I'm gonna both freeze and burn you!!!!!!!!!" yelled Shoto. "Kuroiro we also warned you not to hurt Tsu and I personally warned you that if you break her heart I'll break you in two!!!!!!!!" Tokoyami yelled. "No wait please!!!!!!!!" yelled Awase and Kuroiro. "You know you can just act like this never happened, since I personally don't want mine or my classmates reputation destroyed so either you stay with them and not say anything or we'll frame you and say that you did this and get you expelled." Monoma said smugly. "Yeah!!!!!!!!" exclaimed the 1-B girls, Awase and Kuroriro desperately. "These bitches really be crazy." Uraraka, Hakagure, Kyoka, Mina, Himiko, Katie, Victoria, Mistoffelees, Jemima and Pouncival thought as the went wide-eyed. The 1-A guys, Momo and Tsu opened their mouths to say something but then they heard some people clearing their throats. They all turned around and saw Aizawa, Vald King, Principal Nezu and the rest of the staff behind them. The 1-B girls, Monoma, Awase and Kuroiro got wide-eyed in fear noticing that they all glaring at them. They all also noticed that the rest of the 1-B boys known as Togaru Kamakiri, Jurota Shishida, Nirengeki Shoda, Manga Fukidashi, Juzo Honenuki and Kojiro Bondo were staring at their classmates wide-eyed and jaw-dropped at what they just did. "Now what is this I heard about you brats cheating on and threatening my PROBLEM CHILDREN?!!!!!!!!" yelled Aizawa as his eyes glowed red. One thing about him nobody and I mean nobody messed with his students. "Mr. Vlad please you must understand I was just........" Monoma said nervously. "SHUT UP MONOMA THIS HATRED OF CLASS 1-A OF YOURS HAD GONE TOO FAR, I KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE THEM BUT THIS RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!" yelled Vlad King. The 1-B girls, Monoma, Awase and Kurorio were once again trying to justify their actions. "ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!" Principl Nezu yelled. Everyone looked at Principal Nezu as he was glaring at the 1-B girls, Monoma, Awase and Kuroiro. He then sighed. "Vlad talk to your students, Aizawa take your students to the common room while I'll call the cheated on ones parents." he said. "Sure Nezu." said Aizawa and Vlad King said. As Aizawa and his students walked away Vlad King turned to his students. "Itsuka Kendo, Camie Utsuhimi, Saiko Intelli, Sen Kaibara, Tetsatetsa Tetsatesta, Ibarra Shiozaki, Kosei Tsuburabba, Pony Tsunotori, Kinoko Komori, Hiryu Rin, Yui Kodai, Setsuna Tokage, Reiko Yanagi, Neito Monoma, Yosetsu Awase, Shihai Kuroiro YOU ARE ALL IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled as Togaru, Jurota, Manga, Juzo and Kojiro glared at them and followed the rest. As they were walking Aizawa looked at the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu. "Are you gonna be ok?" he asked concerningly. "Yeah we'll be fine it just hurts." answered the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu tearfully as they started to cry. "Hey it's gonna be all right." Aizawa said comfortingly as he put an arm around them and  Uraraka, Hakagure Kyoka, Mina, Himiko, Katie, Victoria, Mistoffelees, Jemima and Poucival put comforting hands on their shoulders. Little did they know was that the 1-A boys will find love again and so will Momo and Tsu when a certain somebody comes back into their lives.

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