Cheaters Bothering Their Exes Part 2

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Meanwhile Sero was playing a video game when he heard footsteps behind him. He looked up to see who it was and glared when he saw Kinoko looking down at him.

"Leave the fuck alone Kinoko." said Sero in annoyed tone.

"Sero please I know I hurt but just give me another chance!!!!!!!!" Kinoko pleaded.

"Why should I?!!!!!!!!" asked Sero angrily.

"Cause I love you!!!!!!!!!" Kinoko answered.

"Oh really if you love me then why did you cheat on me?!!!!!!!" asked Sero.

"Sweetie I........" Kinoko pleaded.

"And why did you agree that asshole Monoma to threaten my friends and me to have us expelled if we didn't leave you hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?" asked Sero.

Kinoko just stood there with pleading eyes not being able to answer.

"No answer that's what I thought." Sero said.

"Please Sero I......." started Kinoko pleadingly.

"Look Kinoko if you really really loved me like I loved you then you wouldn't done the shitty thing you did to me so just accept the fact that we're never getting back together." Sero said as he kept playing his video game.

"It's because you love that Marinette girl huh?!!!!!!!!!" yelled Kinoko.

Sero blushed.

"Even if I do you don't get to say I can be with." he said angrily.

Kinoko just stood their for a couple seconds and then ran off while crying with her hands on her face.

Sero sighed in relief as he rolled his eyes.

"Finally." he said.

Meanwhile Aoyama was trying to escape Rin as she was walking behind him.

"Aoyama please let's discuss this!!!!!!!" pleaded Rin.

"No, no we cannot not after everything you did to me!!!!!!!!" Aoyama yelled.

"Aoyama honey I know what I did to you was kinda bad........" said Rin pleadingly.

"Kinda bad what you did stabbed me in the heart!!!!!!!!!!!" Aoyama yelled.

"But I........" started Rin pleadingly.

"I really that you had feelings for me I thought that you cared about me I thought you loved me like I loved you but then you went behind my back and cheated on me and threatened my friends and me saying you'd have us expelled but now I know it was all false." Aoyama said angrily.

"Don't tell me that you're doing this cause you're in love with that Marinette girl!!!!!!!" yelled Rin.

Aoyama blushed.

"Even if I am you have no right to tell who I can adore now stay the fuck away from me Rin au revior." he said.

Then Aoyama walked off leaving Rin to stand there looking down at her feet.

Meanwhile Ojiro was in the training room practicing some martial arts moves. A couple minutes later he heard the door open. He stopped and turned to look thinking that it was either one of his classmates or a teacher. But to his dismay it was Yui.

"What do you want Yui can't you see I'am busy and I don't wanna talk to you?" he said.

"Ojiro please I know you don't wanna talk to me but you have to." pleaded Yui.

"Have to, have to why should I after what you've done?!!!!!!!" Ojiro yelled.

"Ojiro sweetheart please......." said Yui pleadingly.

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