Chapter 11: Did you?

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He stared at Allen's eyes. The room was dimly lit, his yellow eyes looked like it was glowing as the sunset reflected on them.

I wanted to joke about it but he thought it wasn't the right time. I sighed in defeat. "No, I didn't"

Lex smiled and then looked at the person sleeping on the floor.

"Should we do something about him?"

Allen looked and saw Steve passed out "He is fine" then he looked at him "What do we do now?"

Allen questioned him, Since he had the possibility of the killer there might be more than one maybe a second.

"Actually Lex, I have to tell you about something I saw"

Lex looked at him "The day where you were with the barrels?"

Allen slowly blinked when he said that and felt quite embarrassed "No, No it is about Santo's friend, Wyatt"

Lex seemed interested and he sat comfortably on his own bed.

"Go on" he said

Can he say it to him? He thought for a second and realized Lex wouldn't do anything about it.

"Alright yesterday, after Wyatt carried Steve back to the motel" I paused "I saw him and the Mayor's daughter...kissing"

It was Lex's turn to blink slowly "So its like that huh?" he murmured with interest. "So that's why you questioned me about that?"

Allen nodded, "Would you still punch your best friend?"

Lex smiled "Of course I would still punch them"

After that a long awkward silence was heard, neither of them started to talk and kept quiet. I was actually curious about him more and more now. The timelines I was in before this I always saw a glimpse of him. Whether he saw him or not, Allen saw him.

As the silence grew louder, they didn't talk at all. Steve then showed signs of waking up as he saw them stretching. He yawned and saw both Allen and Lex on the bed.

"Oh..hey guys" he closed his eyes again and sat back up in a span of a second. "BARTENDER GUY YOU ARE AWAKE??!??!" he exclaimed.

Lex greeted him with a smile, and stood up. Steve was a bit in daze after waking up and slowly took time to stand up, while Allen on the other hand still sat on his bed.

He saw Lex open the door. "Should we all go down?" he suggested and glanced at me.

I slightly nodded, then stood up, "Sure, are there any more people?"

As we went down stairs while Steve followed behind, we heard shattering of glass.

I heard a familiar voice, it was raised and it carried anger.

Receptionist girl, Jessie..Santos's ex wife having a fight with who?

They all went there and it was bloody as glass shards were on the floor.

"YAH THINK MY HUSBAND SLEPT WITH A GIRL LIKE YOU???" Someone shouted she had red hair it was, Jessie

"YOUR HUSBAND??? YAH BOTH BREAKEN UP, AND DIVORCED WEEKS AGO!" Another shouted she had braided blonde hair.


Some people were holding them back, and this scene was after the fight they had some even, betting on who would win and passing on money. The deputies were there and stopped everything even the Mayor went after and shouted at the Lady that picked a fight with his daughter.

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