Chapter 10: The truth

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He turned around and forgot that person was still behind him. He looked up, he was a head taller than him. The same height as the killer but half of the town also has the same height, probably around three to four people.

Steve gagged as he saw his body "Jesus they really hated him to get attacked like that..."

The mayor was finally there and saw the scene in front of him. His eyes were shocked.

Allen felt someone lean on him "The mayor and Santos's relationship they were close buddies like brotherhood"

He listened to him as he whispered again. "After the divorce with his ex-wife, they still chat from time to time drinking in the bar."

"So, the mayor doesn't care what his daughter thinks?" he whispered back

"They kept it a secret.." he paused and looked at someone. He followed his gaze and saw Wyatt's lifeless eyes looking at his now dead best friend.

'Does the mayor know the affair between Santos's best friend and their daughter?'

It probably won't hurt if he told Lex right? The only one that knows about the affair was him and Steve, When he brought the information to Steve his mouth was on the ground catching dust and germs.

"Lex..about..Wyat-'' Lex patted at him and smiled indicating they shouldn't talk about it right now. Allen silently agreed and dragged Steve out of the place. For a few minutes, Santos's body was dragged by the officers.

The mayor was now saying a statement to the town's people.

"Everyone...this day..has been a terrible day for my dear friend Santos" he paused as he took out a heavy sigh "I never thought that his death ended up brutally..Please pray and send best wishes to him in the afterlife.

Steve leaned besides Lex and Allen, parting them away together.

"That was the most bland condolence speech I heard in my entire life-" he was then covered by a hand. Allen's

'This guy has the nerve to shit talk to the mayor,He can't believe it!'

"Can you atleast keep the thoughts in your head?????" he whispered to Steve

"LISTEN I JUST CAN'T HELP IT-" Then another hand was on his mouth. It was Lex's.

"I advise for you to not speak more...unnecessary words, Steve"

Steve stayed silent, he was like a child getting scolded by his parents and kept his head down low. Thankfully nobody had heard his words as they all mourned the death of their townspeople.

Steve now looked at Allen whose face was presenting an uncertain emotion.


He was silent, his eyes couldn't believe it. The mayor's daughter Jessie, was wearing a leather vest over a short-sleeve.

Her wrist showed the same eagle tattoo.

The bar was almost full with people, as they drank their sorrows. Some were already passed out on the floor. Allen and Steve were in the second floor living room. Lex told them to wait there, when he finished his work.

"His place is much better than the curtained door motel."

"Be even thankful you even got the motel in the first place." Allen said, drinking a glass of water Lex prepared for him. "How did you even get in the motel in the first place?"

"Oh Wyatt..just gave me a motel while she was talking with Jessie..." Steve spat out his drink "THEY WERE HOOKING UP SINCE THEN????" he shouted in shock.

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