Untitled Part 19

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"Me too," you said as you reached into your handbag.

Charles shook his head, and you almost believed he had followed the rule he had set, but his lips tipped up. "My present is already hanging in our bedroom for when you get home tomorrow."

"Is it a nude?" Lando asked with a nod. "Please tell me it's nude. Blink twice if it's a nude."

"It's not a nude, mon cher," Charles clarified with a laugh.

"Dammit." He sent Charles a smile to show he wasn't actually as disappointed as he made it seem and Charles reached across the table to hold his hand.

"Here, you two can open this," you said as you slid the box towards their hands. "I've never had a first anniversary so I didn't really know what to get but I saw this and thought it was kind of fitting..." You fell silent as Charles untied the bow and Lando lifted the lid. "But if you don't like it I can get something else..."

Lando reached for one of the items first, lifting the chain up so he could see the pendant that hung on it, identical to the other two necklaces. Charles picked his one up next and examined the detail that had been masterfully engraved into the white gold.

"It's a trinity knot," you said as you pulled a card out from under the last necklace, yours. "There's a whole lot of symbolism in it like the past, present and future, but I like that it's just like us, you know, three connected. It's stupid, isn't it, I'll take them back." You felt like an idiot as you reached for them but they both pulled away before you could swipe it from their grasp.

"Hey, this is mine," Lando huffed as he clutched it to his chest. "Get your own."

"We love it," Charles assured you as he took your hand and kissed your knuckles. "I think we were both stunned, in a good way, mon amour."

"Not me, I just liked hearing her ramble," Lando chuckled and you sent him a dirty look. "It's adorable, love."

"You suck," you groaned as your cheeks heated.

"I do, asked Charles."

"Will you help me put it on?" Charles asked as he held his up, ignoring Lando's cheeky comment.

You rose from your seat and walked behind Charles, unclasping the necklace before draping it around his neck. The chains had been made longer since both of your boyfriends had thick necks from their training and when you let it go the trinity knot settled over the centre of his chest. Dipping your head down, you kissed him sweetly and whispered, "Happy anniversary, baby."

While you were up, you took Lando's and did the same before he grabbed the last necklace and patted his lap. You were grateful the restaurant had been hired out for the night so you could have the privacy to share the intimate moment as you sat down. His fingers were warm against your skin and you smiled as the cold chain balanced out the heat. It wasn't enough to quell the fire that started when he kissed your nape where the clasp locked together.

"I love you," he whispered as his hands started to drift up your thighs. "How about we skip dessert and head back to the hotel?"

"What about your gift?" Charles asked, rattling the box in his ear to try to guess what it was.

"Bring it," Lando winked. "I'll come in handy for what I have planned."

Round Fifteen - Monza GP

You had felt off since FP1. There wasn't anything wrong, you just didn't feel right. Your mother pressed the back of her hand to your forehead as you curled up on your couch and napped between the practices, but you didn't have a fever.

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