Chapter 19: Atsuko

Start from the beginning

As they walked back towards the village, they stumbled upon a young boy crying beside the lifeless bodies of his parents, both claimed by the relentless virus. Atsuko hesitated, torn between wanting to help and fearing for the safety of her own people.

"Father, we must leave him," she whispered, her heart heavy with guilt.

But her father couldn't bear the thought of abandoning the child. His eyes filled with determination, he made a decision that would change their lives forever.

"I will stay with the boy," he told Atsuko. "You must return to the village."

"Can't you just come with us?" Atsuko pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.

"Risking the health of the entire village is not a chance I can take," he replied solemnly. "I will remain here with the boy for seven days, to ensure he is not infected. If all is well, we will join you then."

Atsuko hugged her father tightly, feeling the weight of his sacrifice settling on her shoulders. She reluctantly returned to the village alone, her father's words echoing in her ears.

"Take care of our people, Atsuko. I trust you."

As she walked away, her thoughts were a mix of worry and determination, understanding that the responsibility now lay with her. Every step she took was a promise – to her father, to herself, and to the village – that she would do everything in her power to protect them.

"Father," she thought, as her tears fell like raindrops, "I won't let you down."


On the seventh day, Atsuko stood by the village entrance, her heart pounding in her chest as she scanned the horizon for any sign of her father and the boy. The sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows that seemed to taunt her with their emptiness. Anxiety clawed at her insides, gnawing on the hope that had sustained her through the past week.

"Father should be here by now," she murmured, her voice barely audible even to herself.

As minutes ticked by, her anxiety transformed into a sense of urgency. She could no longer stand idly waiting – she had to know what happened to her father. With a deep breath, she set off towards the place where they had last seen each other.

When she reached the corner where she and her father had found the boy, she found it eerily empty. A chill ran down her spine as she realized there was no trace of anyone ever having been there. The streets were deserted, buildings abandoned and boarded up. It was as if the world itself had chosen to forget this forsaken place.

"Father! Where are you?" she cried out, her voice echoing through the desolate streets.

A gust of wind blew a tattered piece of paper into her path, and as she bent to pick it up, she saw the dreaded word: quarantine. Her heart sank like a stone as she continued searching, finding more signs warning of the dangerous infection that had taken hold of the area. She could feel the tendrils of fear gripping her, but she fought against them, determined to uncover the truth.

At last, she stumbled upon a flickering screen displaying a government-issued message. As she read the words, her blood ran cold: "This neighborhood is ordered to be cleansed in order to ensure Kyoto survives the plague."

"No," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. In that moment, she knew her father was gone – a casualty of his own selfless compassion. Her knees buckled under the weight of her grief, and she crumpled to the ground, her cries echoing off the desolate buildings.

"Father," she sobbed, "I wish I could have convinced you to come back with me."


As Atsuko raced towards the Embassy in her brown Mach 12 armor, her mind flooded with memories of her past. She had dedicated her life to preventing such senseless loss of innocent lives, using her political influence to challenge and change policies that caused harm. And when the opportunity arose to volunteer for the Mach program, she embraced it wholeheartedly, determined to ensure these powerful devices would never become weapons of mass destruction.

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