Chance Encounter

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Some random day...

mother:now Cynfarch you remember what i told you.

"yess mama, go to market and look for Mr. Cystennin and drop off the wheat."

mother:good boy now hurry off.

As Cynfarch hurried out the door with a basket of wheat in hand and traveled down the dirt path he took a quick stop at a bridge for a drink from his leather water bottle.

He took a breif moment to watch the small fish swim down the river. His siblings made friends with the village kids quite easy, but he could never click with them. And he always felt alone because of it. shaking the thought away he continued down to the market.

It was busy, carts coming and going as they pleased with no organization. It would be easy to get lost. As Cynfarch went down he accidentally bumped his head into someone.

???"Ow watch where your going pointy ear!

Cynfarch rubbed his head before looking at the person he bumped into.
It was a girl! One so similar to him. She had bright blonde messy hair and emerald eyes. And pointed ears that seemed to have a slight wiggled when she made faces and slightly more pronounced fangs.

 And pointed ears that seemed to have a slight wiggled when she made faces and slightly more pronounced fangs

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(art obviously not by me cause i still cant draw for shit. Also child Mo-Mo =D)

"i uh.."

???:didn't you hear me knife ear...wait i know you. Your that Rheged boy everyone talks about!

"i am ye-

???:whats a pleb like you doing from your farm. better yet what you doing running into people fen boy.

"i'm Sorry, here let me help you up."

???:i can help myself knife ear.

"okay, im sorry."

???:yeah you better be fen boy. stupid human boy running into me.

As the girl walked off muttering to herself Cynfarch dusted himself and after chasing some of the scattered wheat he continued along his way.

After finding the stall owner cystennin and hand over the wheat Cynfarch quickly returned home with the collected money.

The next day...

Cynfarch was playing in the near by woods when he heard the thumping of a tree being hit. following the sound Cynfarch saw the strange girl from yesterday punching a tree. It was clear she was upset or at the least frustrated telling by the tears that pricked her eyes.

???:stupid stupid stupid! Why didn't i keep my trap shut! Stupid boy stupid mom, and her stupid punishment!

Cynfarch curious took a step forward stepping on a very crisp leaf that echoed in the quiet forest. The girl immediately snapped her head and stared directly at Cynfarch who fled.


The girl quickly ran after the fleeing boy tackling him over the edge of a small clift and the two rolled in the dirt on the way down resulting in the girl half accidentally biting into Cynfarch's arm. In a flinched jerk Cynfarch harshly palmed the girl in the nose. nearly instinctively she pulled out her small dagger and swiped at the boy causing a laceration across the bridge of his nose.

pushing her off Cynfarch ran deeper into the forest and triped while running through a small stream, right infront of a wolf. Petrified with fear the boy only shook not Moving. That would have been his end if not for the brash loud girl storming over haphazardly waving her dagger. seemingly deciding it wasn't worth the effort the wolf went on its way.

The girl then helped Cynfarch up before pushing him back down

???:Stupid Knife Ear! You could have been eaten!

"im sor-"

???:Shut up be glad i saved you!....sorry bout the nose anyways."

"same i didn't mean too i just-"

???:what do you mean you didn't mean too! That hit you pulled really dazed me there's no way it was accidental!"

"thank you?"

???:im Mordred. What about you runt?

"i'm Cynfarch. Nice to meet you Mordred."

Mordred:cool name, mind if i call you Cyn."

"sure but only if i can call you Mo-Mo."

Mordred: Deal! So about sorry for being a butt..i'm not taking anything back though.

"its Alright, so Mordred why are you in the woods alone?"

Mordred:i could ask you the same Cyn! But well mom doesn't like it when i go out in public.

"oh, well i was...i was playing."

Mordred:By yourself?..thats sad cyn.

"h-hey! I would play with my friends...if i had any."

Mordred:still sad, but you know what cyn i'll be your friend how bout that. You'll have a future knight of King Arthur as your friend!

"you mean it!"

Mordred:Yep! Your stuck with me now cyn and theres no way out of this!

"i know what im Alright with this

(young Cynfarch brought to you by your author still unable to draw)

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(young Cynfarch brought to you by your author still unable to draw)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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