A Date With Darkness

Start from the beginning

The three of us then entered the command deck. "We've got the Ghost for you now, sir," a soldier responded. Seeing these guys still going strong and unaware of the destruction right next to them made me feel guilty. They have no idea I failed our squadron. The transmission came through, displaying Hera on the other end. "Hera, am I glad to see you're all right," Ezra said. "Kanan," she began. I noticed her arms were behind her. "There's another Inquisitor after us. He knows where the Ghost is," Kanan warned. "Kanan, it's not an Inquisitor," Hera replied. She was pushed out of view, and a man with red facial markings and tiny horns on his head took her place. "Oh no," Ezra muttered. "What? Who is it?" Kanan wondered. "Just an old friend, Master Jedi," the man revealed. Kanan's expression took one of worry while Ezra turned angry in response to our crew being captured. But I noticed something familiar about him. Those soulless, yellow eyes. That sinister smile. I audibly gasped in fear, realizing this man was the one who attacked my detachment.

"Maul, you betrayed me!" Ezra said, enraged. "No, I betrayed your friends. But I would have remained loyal to you," Maul responded. "You...you wiped out my squadron!" I yelled. "And the foolish warrior lives. You should be lucky I let you live," Maul taunted. "What do you want?" Kanan asked calmly. "The Sith Holocron that our apprentice and I acquired on Malachor," Maul answered. "We don't have it," Kanan said. I knew nothing of this holocron business, but it sounded important. "How unfortunate. Because if that's true..." Maul said, igniting his lightsaber and expanding the view of the transmission, showing our crew being held at gunpoint by some droids. "...then your friends have no future," he threatened. "I swear to God, Maul. That will be the last mistake you make," I said gravely. All that was on my mind was getting revenge for my fallen comrades. "Calm down, Y/N. We have it, just not with us," Ezra answered. "We'll give it to you, as long as our friends remain safe," Kanan said. "Agreed. Good. Oh, and one more thing. Your Jedi Holocron, give that to me as well," Maul proposed. "Kanan, no!" Hera shouted, but to no avail. "Fine," Kanan conceded. "I shall be in touch with the coordinates for our rendezvous. Don't disappoint me," Maul said before ending the transmission. We really got ourselves into some deep shit this time.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," I said, still infuriated at the events that transpired. "Oh no, you're not getting involved in this one. It's too dangerous," Kanan argued. "This involves our family, Kanan. And I have unfinished business with Maul," I responded. They weren't there. How would they know what I've been through? "Y/N, listen. This is a Sith Lord we're dealing with. The ancient enemy of the Jedi. If he has leverage over both of us, then what you experienced was much worse," Kanan reasoned. "What could you and your crew have done against him without a Force wielder?" Ezra questioned. "I failed miserably, Ezra. Everyone but me and the soldier we helped perished. He showed me mercy for some reason. Maul is right. I'm lucky I'm alive," I countered. I still wasn't calm, and I was trembling with every word I spoke. "Even if I don't fight Maul directly, I have to be there helping in some way." Ezra and Kanan looked at each other for a moment before returning their attention to me. "You can help, but there are certain parts of this that are strictly Jedi business. And you have to do exactly as we say. Understood?" Kanan explained. I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me. "Yes," I said. This would be my toughest mission yet, even harder than the skirmish on Vulpter. I was incredibly worried for my family's safety, and I had doubts if Maul would keep his word. No matter, though. We have to try.

About an hour later, we returned to Atollon. "So what's the plan?" I asked. "Kanan and I will get the Sith Holocron. Get a ship prepped and wait at the command center for us," Ezra said. "What do I tell Commander Sato? He's not gonna be happy with the report I'm gonna give," I replied. "You have to be upfront with him about everything. Sato knows of the threat, so convincing him shouldn't be as difficult as it might seem," Kanan said. We landed on the surface and we went our separate ways. Kanan and Ezra went on their speeder bike out into the wilderness, while I went straight to the command center. As always, Sato was positioned behind the central computer. "Good evening, Y/N. Anything to report?" Sato greeted me. "Unfortunately," I said, still a little upset. "We were attacked by a Sith Lord named Maul. The ship was nearly destroyed and we suffered heavy casualties. Only two survived." Sato seemed mortified at my mention of the dark side wielder. "A Sith Lord?" He asked again. "Yes. But Ezra, Kanan, and I have a way to deal with him. We just need a ship to take us someplace," I explained. "I am deeply disappointed in the outcome. But if this is what it will take, very well. We'll get two A-Wings fueled for you," Sato said. "Thank you, Commander. By the way, I apologize for my failures. The loss of my crew is on me, and I promise you this won't happen again," I explained, getting the one thing that was bugging me all day off my chest. "Y/N, death is natural in war. Loss will happen. And while it is true that you may have been ill-prepared to fight such a powerful enemy, there was not much you could have done to change the outcome. Don't blame yourself, but learn from the experiences to make yourself a better leader," Sato responded. I smiled and nodded, thinking about what the commander said. This rebel cell has been so successful because of him. He understands the responsibility it takes to be in such a high-ranking position. I'm surprised he sees that in me, but he's right. I have to focus on saving the crew.

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