Chapter 9

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Elsa's pov

As I was walking to my hotel room I got a phone call from a private number 'hmm I wonder who this is' I thought to my self but I still answered it anyways
"Hello elsa speaking"
There was silence
I could here constant chatter going on in the background the voices seemed familiar then it all went black

Jackson's pov

"Where is elsa" I herd Flynn say when I woke up wait else's not here where is she
"Wait mm else's not here have you tried calling her anything have you..." I get cut off by Flynn
"Elsa will be ok.. Ok"

"Yeah fine ok but I won't stop worrying"

"Yeah I know you won't but what you do need to do is sleep you look buggerd"

"Okay you sure"

"Yes ok now good night"

I went to my room hoping Elsa would comeback I really missed her and I hoped she was safe and sound










Hay guys sorry for the late update I might have some spelling mistakes and SO SORRY for the late update and please tell me if you like it or not and I might not update the BLINDED BY THE TRUTH story but anyway I hope you like it

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