Chapter 2

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Jackson's pov

I was walking through the hallway of school when I bump into someone her
"Would you like some help"
"Uhh" she trebles i fell my checks go red and so do hers
"No thanks I'm fine"
"So I was wondering if you.."
She cuts me off by saying "uhh sorry Jackson but I don't go out with players"
It was like my heart got stabbed in the heart several times this is the first time in a wile I don't know what has come over me but I had to strike back
I held her chin and said
"You will regret what you just said"
"Will I know" then she gave me a cheeky smirk and walked off

Elisa's pov

I can't believe that jerk asked me out what the hell yeah I've been told that he can be nice but what he just did was and said was not on
"Hay you okay els?"
"Mm oh yeah I'm fine rebel what bout you"
"Hey I saw what happens with you and Jackson back there and.."
"I don't wanna know he's a jerk the kind that just goes girl to girl looking for people to devour and I don't want to be apart of that I mean like the the.."
"Wait wait wait Jackson the Jackson as in the player Jackson asked yo yo you out OMG wow this is like a first for him coz he usually don't ask new girls out and all that and.." I cut her off quick
"Wait what you mean to tell me he's only asked girls out if he kind of knows him"
"Ugh yeah I guess"
I groan ugh why me I mean there are plenty of other girls out there and WAY more attractive then me I mean seriously. I decide to not go home strait away and just walk in the forest.






I hope you like this chapter I think it's good but in the next chapter it's going to show jelsa and wolves danger and love and please tell me if I have any spelling mistakes

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