Chapter 2

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Pov. Storyteller

Wolf watched Rory quickly devour the sandwich he had given the raccoon to eat, then the Raccoon put the hot chocolate in his mouth almost at once, making an expression as if he had burned his tongue.

- Calm down! Drink this slowly. - said the wolf, seeing the raccoon swallow the hot liquid and then blowing it into the air after burning his tongue.

- Did you burn your tongue? - Asked the wolf.

- I think so. - said the raccoon.

- I'll get you some water - said the wolf, entering the house.

The wolf left the door of his house open a little, enough for the raccoon to be able to look a little inside the house, curious to see what it was like inside the wolf's house, the raccoon pushed the door a little and observed the inside of that house, By the furniture and the internal structure of the house, the raccoon only reinforced his theory about that wolf, he must be someone wealthy or someone almost rich.

The raccoon drank the rest of the hot chocolate that was in the cup while his curious gaze swept every inch that he could see inside that house, the Raccoon hid his gaze when the wolf returned bringing him a glass of ice water.

When the wolf returned, he saw the raccoon finish drinking the contents of the cup and returning it back while he picked up the cup of water, the wolf thought about asking what a child like him was doing abandoned on the streets while he was drinking water, but he ended up not asking, and the raccoon gave him back the empty glass after and said thank you then turned his back and started walking away from there, the wolf, seeing the state of his clothes, thought that perhaps he had very negligent mothers and country or maybe he was abandoned on the streets.

The wolf closed the door of the house and then watched through the window as the raccoon walked away on a sidewalk on the other side of the street with its head down and its hands under its coat.

Grimy blue, judging that the raccoon was feeling very cold, the wolf continued to watch him until he entered a street and disappeared from sight.

The wolf pulled the curtain right away covering the entire glass window, Rory continued walking in the streets looking for a place to protect himself from the cold, there were some streets full of stores with the roof covered in glass but Rory was almost not welcome in those places. always being expelled in a very rude manner by security guards paid by store owners to keep unwanted people away from the place.

Rory found himself without alternatives, not even at bus stops he could take shelter as it was impossible to lie down on the chairs at the stops just now that the mayor had installed several benches with dividers and he could no less lie down on some benches made of metal that in contact with parts of his body made him feel pain due to the cold.

The raccoon continued roaming the streets until he arrived under a bridge where the subway passed, seeing a concrete bench a little in the distance, Rory hurried his steps towards that bench but before lying down on it a dog appeared and shouted at him.

- This bank already has an owner! - said a dog much bigger than Rory who was barefoot and with swollen feet and holding a cigarette in his left hand,

- Yes sir! - Said the raccoon, agreeing with the dog and lowering his ears and leaving the dog with an insignificant appearance, Rory looked closely at the dog and noticed that he had a knife on his waist hidden between his shirt and pants.

Rory slowly moved away going to the other side of the bridge where there was a curve, Rory lay down on a bench using his arm as a support for his head, the raccoon curled up trying to protect himself from the cold, and as he was tired it didn't take long to fall asleep, waking up a few minutes later with a shock after a cold drop of water fell right on top of his head, Rory, amazed, looked up and saw that the place where he was standing had some leaks, another drop of water hit the floor and another on the raccoon's nose after he looked up, Rory had to leave and find another place to spend the night, the raccoon walked a little more without finding anywhere, he even thought about staying under the bridge but the warmer places, they were dangerous with gangs controlling everything, the raccoon reached the doors of the subway station, he thought about going in there because it was warmer there, there was just one problem, the security guards who were guarding the place might not let him in there.

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