We drove in silence; the dull rumble of cars and the soft R&B playing through the speakers filled the gap. Paul exited the freeway and merged onto Sawtelle, weaving his way through the narrow side street.

"Do you want me to put on another playlist or sum?"

"No, this is good. You've got great taste, Bey."

"Thanks, I listen to a lotta music. Any kinda music, really. Well, except country. I can't stand country."

Paul laughed and nodded. "I would've thought the complete opposite, considering where you're from."

"It was never my thing. I grew up listenin' to a lotta Southern hip hop, though. DJ Screw, Lil' Keke, UGK, Big Moe. That's all I ever listened to until middle school."

"Ah, I've heard some of their songs before. Especially UGK."

I shifted to the side in my seat, a reaction that was as involuntary as it was telling. His casual acknowledgment of underground artists, names I had grown up with and held as regional treasures, seemed as out of place as a snowstorm in July. The 'Houston sound' had somehow crossed past the Canadian border and landed on his doorstep, and I wondered how many other surprising interests and hobbies he had welcomed in before.

The look on my face must have been something, because Paul chuckled once he glanced my way. "My older brother went to Rice. He'd bring a lot of knowledge and stuff home with him and we'd listen to the music in his room. Our parents hated it, but he and I would sit in there and talk about what album was the best or anything random for hours. He kind of shaped my music taste, honestly. Made sure we always had an eclectic mix, from house to rap to jazz."

Paul slowed down as we approached a red light, and his voice softened as the memories flooded through.

"I still listen to the bootleg CD mixes he made me from time to time. Sometimes I'll be going about my day and hear a song, and I'll instantly go back to sitting on the floor of his bedroom, playing NBA Live or Need for Speed on his PS2. I would listen to him tell me all the crazy things he got up to when he was away at university. Hearing those songs...brings back a lot of good memories. He's the one person I could truly be myself with. Aside from you. I'd think you two would get along well."

"I'd love to meet him sometime. Where's he livin' now?"

"Back in Toronto. He's got a family, and a few kids. We try to visit each other a few times a year."

"So, you're close, then?"

"As close as we could be, considering the distance. But he's usually around for the big moments, and that's what matters most."

Paul merged onto Venice, and the bustling boulevard came into view. The sun was shining, a welcome change from the overcast skies that blanketed the city. Light rain and heavy winds had been in abundance earlier in the week, the latest bout catching everyone off guard.

"Ohhh. Well, you should give me a playlist. I'd love to hear what else y'all listened to, and we can listen together sometime."

"Sure." Paul smiled and nodded.

"If he's listenin' to some chopped n' screwed, then I gotta know what he's like."

"I'd say he's a lot like me. But more outspoken. Funny, and a smartass. Always had a quick comeback and knew how to piss people off when they couldn't get a reaction out of him. But also, really caring and always there if you needed him. He's the one who pushed me to go after my dreams and leave the city."

"Sounds like he gave you some good advice."

"He did. I just hope I'm making him proud."

"Paul, I know for a fact he's proud of you. Trust me."

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