☆48☆ Blinding lights~ final chapter!

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" She looked up at an infuriated Justin.

"Justin." He gave her a fake smile.

"Okay, Justin, what's all this? And don't tell me the obvious. I can see it's a lady's dress up room and all that. I see the wigs and makeup so don't go there." She looked up at him.

"You're really annoying, lady." Justin stood akimbo.

"Talk! Or I'll pluck your septum out!"

"You wouldn't dare." Justin laughed.

"Don't waste anyone's time, Jussie." She mocked.

"Just sit and let's get this done with." He picked up another brush.

"You're going to tell me first," Karmale stood up from the chair. Her expression a stern one. Justin sighed in defeat.

"I've been given orders to doll you up and dress you up to look more appealing than you are right now. " he paused.

"What for?"

"I don't know." Justin lied, "I've kept my end of the bargain so now it's your turn. Sit. Time is precious, sweetie."

"Gloss only. " Karmale picked it up and applied it herself.

"That blonde wig is gorgeous." Justin suggested.

"No thanks. " she smiled, "what now?"

"Another outfit." Justin handed her a silk skimpy sleeveless wine red dress.

"That's too revealing. What's the occasion, Justin?" She narrowed her brows. 

"No clue but if it will help us save  some time then Mr. Black wants you dressed up, real good."

"I'm not buying that." She was walking towards the door.

"Okay if you don't like that one we can always get another. " Justin hastily checked through the dresses lined up on a stand. There is no way he was going to let her go out in a sweater and jeans.

"This." He lifted up a silk blue dress that went till mid calf but with slits that run upwards till the waist line.

"Hell no!" She turned to leave again.

"No! No! Okay this!" He handed her a black one with long sleeves but short still. It drew till slightly above the knees. Karmale looked around and that was the most decent dress available.

"The back part?" She asked and Justin hesitated. 

"It's open back." He said, "but your hair will be covering.  I mean it's long."

"Just bring. " Karmale changed from behind the stand of clothes as Justin looked away.

"The shoes? You need stilettos."

"I've changed enough. If i have to change the shoes too then I might as well change back to my clothes."

"The boots-"

"Are fine." She completed for him.

"Fine. Let me hold up your hair."

"What did you say earlier, Justin?"

"It's too long. It's obstracting the view."

"Why are you so much about skin?" Karmale asked with a tired sigh.

"I only care for the fashion of the dress. You are killing it."

"Whatever. Let's go already. " Karmale refused. 

"This way." Justin led her out.



"Don't think about backing out, Black. I won't allow it."

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