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6 months passed by. Taehyung was happy as well as jungkook.

Jimin got the company. Parker Incorporations and jeon Enterprises held a strong friendship between
them. Taking them to the

Taehyung kept the shelter.

every day he would visit the shelter.
There was one thing missing in their life. A child.

They so badly wanted one.
But they couldn't because of taehyung's problem.

And jungkook knew that he didn't want a child if it meant putting taehyung's life in danger. Ever.
But his heart did need one.

Taehyung stormed into the door as jungkook was getting ready for his meeting in his office.

He looked at him shocked and asked:"Are you okay?" He is breathing quick and heavy like he ran from something.

He sat him on his chair behind his desk and gave him a glass of water.

Tae drank water. Jungkook asked, "What happened?"

he smiled and said, "I came here from
the shelter."

"Did you ran all the way

"Yes. I couldn't wait to ask
you something"


He bent down on the floor,
his palm in tae's thigh. Tae tried to speak but was hyperventilating.

He smiled and said, "Breath, taehyung, Breathe." Tae laughed.

After a couple of seconds, he asked
" How do you feel about adoption? How do you feel about adopting a child?" He furrowed his brows

" What?"

"There is this 5-year-old boy.
He just came into the shelter. His name is Kim Han ji . He's a victim of child abuse. A dead father and a drug addict mother. Child services took him when the neighbors heard his scream"

"That's awful."

"I know. I met that boy today
and I swear, I looked at myself in him jungkook"

Tae took out his phone and
showed the picture of the
boy smiling . His black eyes and cute hair.

Tae said "Please

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Tae said "Please."
Jungkook slightly smiled at the

But that smile disappeared and he replied "Can we talk about this at home? I have a very important meeting to attend."

"Jungkook, this conversation is
more important than some stupid meeting."

"Taehyung, can I just have some
time to think this through. Please?"

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