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I was so happy. Really happy.
I woke up to my husband sleeping under me. I smiled at his sleeping form.

His messy hair. Thick strands of hair on his brows. His lips full plump.

I kissed him on his chest and worked my way to his neck. Kissing slowly.

Hearing a groan from him.
I kissed his lips and he looked at me smiling with one sleepy eye open and said in his deep husky sexy voice

" I could get used to this every day." I giggled and kissed him again. He kissed me back...

He asked, "So are you ready for Fiji?" I nodded my head and said, "I'll go anywhere with you."

He smiled and said, "We'll be leaving in 3 hours."

I pecked his lips and got up from him. Making my way out of the room.

Before I could turn the doorknob, he grabbed my waist and pulled my back against his chest.

He whispered, "Where are you going?"

He nibbles on my neck making me giggle and I replied "To pack and make breakfast. You must be starving."

He whispered "Famished. But not
for food."

He unbuttoned the shirt quickly. My back still on his front. Sliding his hand from my stomach, he rubbed my core. Making me moan.

My head falling back to his shoulder as he kept rubbing me.

He slid his middle finger inside me and rubbed me with his thumb at the same time.

He stopped and turned me around and pinned me against the door.

Picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist and he slid his length inside of me and thrust me as I screamed his name again.

After an hour of everything, he finally lets me go. I made breakfast for us. And after that, we packed.

I was excited to get away from here as I've always wanted. And I couldn't wait for it to be with him.

We drove down to the airport
but instead of taking a right turn, he took left. I knew that led to a private airport..

He stopped his car on the
runway and I see a plane with his company logo on it.

Of course, he has a private
plane. Why wouldn't he?
I looked at him and he smiled
at me.

He held my hand and took me
into his lavish private jet. I was nervous.

He asked, "You okay?" I nodded and said,

"I haven't been in an airplane before."

He smiled wider and said, "I guess I'm thankful I'm here for your first time."

He sat beside me and buckled me to the sofa and himself as well. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Leaning my temple on his chest.

He kissed my hair and said, "It's gonna be a 6-hour flight."I nodded my head.
I don't know when I slept.

I woke up with kisses on my cheek and he whispered "We're here. Look out the window." I was on his

I got up and looked to see a beautiful small island surrounded by a very blue

He owned this island.
When the plane landed, he took me to the car waiting for US.

After a 12 minutes drive to
the bungalow he owned, we
got out.

LIFE DESTINY  (T.K)✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora