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It was a rose diamond ring and it the most beautiful ring I saw.

It was a rose diamond ring and it the most beautiful ring I saw

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He said "I've been carrying
this for about a week now. And I think the time has come"

He held my left hand with his right. And the ring in the ring box in his left.

He looked at me in my eyes and said

"when we got married it wasn't out of love. It never was. I hate myself for that. But now it is. My love for you is endless. An Infinity. Kim taehyung, will you renew our vows with me? This
time love for each other. To
have and to hold you forever even death can't do us part." He waited for my answer.

How can I let him spend his life with me? I'm not worthy of this man.

He doesn't deserve to love someone tainted like me.

I kissed him and he looked
at me again. I was crying. He asked,
" Are you not happy?" I replied with a cracked voice

" I'm happy. So happy. I've never had
someone to call mine."

His smiled disappeared and he looked at me in confusion. He could sense something was wrong. I continued

"But I can't be with you anymore". His eyes widened and his voice

" No, please don't say that. Taehyung doesn't do this."

I saw a tear fell on his cheek.
The great jeon jungkook was crying in front of me. I wiped his tear and said

"I'm doing this for you. And you only. I'm doing this because I love you too much that I know I'm strong enough to do this."

"Please don't. I love you."

"I know. But you can't have me. I'm tainted, jungkook. My soul, my body, my heart. everything is tainted."

I got up from the couch
because I couldn't be near
him anymore...

He held around my waist and rested his head on my stomach. I could hear him crying and whispering " please don't leave me. I can't be without you."

I started crying more and more. He pulled me down on the couch again.

His head in my lap and he cried uttering words nonstop " Please please please please please please."

I had to do it. For him only. I said, "I'm doing this for you, Jungkook."

He looked at me and I saw anger " No you're not. You're not doing this for me. If you did you would stay."

"You think I don't want too?"

"Then stay. Be mine. Be with me. Let me be yours in return. Please, Taehyung. I love you too much to let you go"

LIFE DESTINY  (T.K)✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant